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AuthorTGI For Rent - Good deals, Best bargains
TGI for Rent! :)

My TGI is available for rent to active lords seeking notoriety and infamy in the dark arts of ambushing. Neutrals, Monsters and Caravans need not apply.


Option 1

Both thief arts you earned from attaining thief guild level 1 and level 2 will be sent to me. Thief arts must immediately be sent once you attained a level in thief's guild. TGI must immediately be sent upon reaching thief guild level 2.

If TGI is returned within 2 weeks. I keep a thief art of my choice and return you the other.

IF TGI is returned after 2 weeks, I will keep both thief arts.

No prepayment needed.

Option 2

You will rent my TGI for 2,500 gold/day for first 2 weeks, 3,000 gold/day for the 3rd week and 3,500 gold/day for the
4th week. A deposit of 35,000 gold will be collected upfront, for which any unused gold be sent back to you.


Your success is of utmost importance. I will gladly lease arts to you at low prices if you decide to lease my TGI.

You can also pm me to negotiate for a different TGI rental plan. Please note that unrepentant lords with illegal transfers need not apply, as they have committed treason against our Empire.

All lords seeking the path of darkness must also come prepared with some good equipment and/or a bundle of gold to support your twisted adventures, for they are vital to your success and conquest against caravans, monks, the occasional thief hunter.. and those leprachuan-like lords who traverse this dangerous land with one unit.

All TGIs must be returned within 4 weeks (1 month), with our agreed upon conditions fully met. If you fail to do so, you either pay me 400,000 gold plus the option payment, and keep the TGI OR violate rule 3.14 and get your account permanently blocked.
I, Dsil will be renting a TGI from God5end under Option 1. Both thief arts I earned from thief guild level 1 and level 2 will be sent to God5end. I will send the thief art immediately upon attaining a level in the thief's guild. The TGI will immediately be sent to God5end upon reaching thief guild level 2.

If I return the TGI within 2 weeks, God5end will return me back a theif art of his choice

IF TGI is returned after 2 weeks, God5end keeps both thief arts.

If I fail to do return the TGI withing 1 month, I will either have to pay 400,000 gold plus the option payment and keep the TGI, OR violate rule 3.14 and get your account permanently blocked.
I agree to lend my TGI to DSil based on option 1.
10-12-09 16:11: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to DSil . Transaction price: 1 Gold

All the best in your thieving Dsil! Let your name rise upon the dead bodies of your victims.

I still have one more TGI for leasing. Do pm me if anyone is interested!
I,Otche will be renting a TGI from God5end under Option 2 for 3 weeks. I will rent TGI for 2,500 gold/day for first 2 weeks, 3,000 gold/day for the 3rd week and 3,500 gold/day for the
4th week. A deposit of 35,000 gold will be sent as upfront, for which any unused gold be sent back.

If I fail to do return the TGI withing 1 month, I will either have to pay 400,000 gold plus the option payment and keep the TGI, OR violate rule 3.14 and get your account permanently blocked.
I agree to lend my TGI to otche based on Option 2.
10-21-09 07:39: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to otche . Transaction price: 1 Gold

10-21-09 07:36: Received 35000 Gold from otche : upfront for TGI

Welcome to the Underworld otche, all the best in your thieving! Your name shall strike fear and awe into the Heart of the Empire itself!
I'll try to prove I am worth of being thief)
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