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AuthorAI using spells
during my last battle (i lost but i don't mind since it was clear from the beginning) the AI didn't finish off my unicorns with a lightning spell although i really think it could have. Instead it used an earth spikes and 1 unicorn survived
anyone knows why?
Any AI from any game should respect one basic rule: to give a chance to the player to win against it. If the AI would play at the most difficult level, there would be no chance for the player to win and that would bring frustration among the players, so, consequently, the game will lose players.

In this game, AI starts with low strategy and it increases the difficulty proportional with the players levels (HG, TG, MG levels) as a general consideration that a higher level player gains more experience as he/she advances in this game. So, the case you presented is just a proof for that philosophy. :)
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
Thats nice ;)
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