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AuthorHow often will i get a Meteorite shard ?
LeveL 0 Mercany Guild

So, How often will i get a Meteorite shard ?

Havent got one for ages.!

that I don't know. But what I know is that the chance of getting elements are 20%. So, I guess you'll have to wait and you'll get them eventually. Cheers!
I think it's 20% chance to get an element. (You and me are just being unlucky ;)
It's mentioned that the chance is 20% to get an element, but we can't make sure how often you can get the certain type of element.

p/s: I get meteorite shard in my first quest:)
:P so if at level 0 u can get a meterioe shard and a toadstall it is 40% and if u can get more elements ( e.g. if u had a high level on it and u could get up too 5 elements, it is 100% chance of getting one ? )
20% chance of getting AN element.

Scroll down and see. The maximum elements you can get after you win a quest is 2 in mercenary's guild level 4.
:P so if at level 0 u can get a meterioe shard and a toadstall it is 40% and if u can get more elements ( e.g. if u had a high level on it and u could get up too 5 elements, it is 100% chance of getting one ? )

So As I Said..?

Please answer this, Thanks In Advance
no theres only a twenty percent 20% chance of getting any element no matter what lvl u are
question: how many % chance is there that you can get 2 elements on mercenary's guild lvl 4?
Please answer this, Thanks In Advance

Sorry, but are you stuck in a loop? Read post 3,4,6 and 9.

20%, for all elements, it doesnt say which you get. Also those 20% is just unofficial number guessed by players.
for RGWarior:
Since according to Shebali(or was it Arctic? IcorndogI? Sven91? I don't remember, but it was a reliable source) you only get a second roll if you have a success in your first roll, the chance would be .2+.2*.2=.24, 24%
well, your math doesn't give sense - you claim that probability of getting 2 elements is 4% higher than getting only 1 element?
from your writen description of second roll I believe the equation should be 0.2*0.2=0.04 or 4%. And this number is far more believable.
I think he means: when you've reached mercenary's guild lvl 4, if you get an element, there's another 24% change to get a second element?
I Meant, ... for example, when you can get 2 elements is it 40% since it's 20% chance of getting a source so if u could get 2 elements would it double?
No, it does not stack, they do not add up. It's still about 20% for getting elements.
[Post deleted by moderator Straws // Corrected below.]
Answers had been given, I just conclude them.

Before MG 4,
Chance to get an element = 20%

Since MG 4,
Chance to get an element = 16%
Chance to get two elements = 4%

Both cases,
Chance to not get any element = 80%
Chance to get element(s) = 20%

You only get a second roll if first roll is successful.
thanks straws :)
[Post deleted by moderator EROCS // off-topic]
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