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AuthorAll About Noobs
I've read post 20.
I don't think my eyes will recover >_<

Nice guide :)
The term is commonly confused with n00b, nub, and also q00u. This is a misconception, because, although n00bs are identical in every imaginable way to newbs, n00bs, and q00us, in reality each belongs to a different phylum in taxonomic classification. n00bs are more closely related to the common chocolate biscuit than to n00bs, or q00us
You can write some simple noobish of your own, however, by slamming your face into your keyboard repeatedly. they are quite agressive and self-centered, and tend to laugh a lot using many L's and O's in rapid sucession (the noobish word for laughing like an ultimate retard).

wow i laughed so hard! its both funny an self-defense education =D
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