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Author | All About Noobs |
I've read post 20.
I don't think my eyes will recover >_<
Nice guide :) | The term is commonly confused with n00b, nub, and also q00u. This is a misconception, because, although n00bs are identical in every imaginable way to newbs, n00bs, and q00us, in reality each belongs to a different phylum in taxonomic classification. n00bs are more closely related to the common chocolate biscuit than to n00bs, or q00us | You can write some simple noobish of your own, however, by slamming your face into your keyboard repeatedly. they are quite agressive and self-centered, and tend to laugh a lot using many L's and O's in rapid sucession (the noobish word for laughing like an ultimate retard).
wow i laughed so hard! its both funny an self-defense education =D |
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