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AuthorMG quest overdue
I see some ppl did MG quest n intentionally retun to YL late. What was their purpose?
To get the exp and fsp from the quest. But since they don't report it in time, the difficulty of the quest will not increase since they are considered to have "failed" it.
Usually monster quests that you get 0.5 Fsp but very little exp.

How do you "see" this?
for Geryon:
I saw some wierdo's behaviour
I mean, how do you know that they did this?
Just check some wierdo's combat logs.
I mean, how do you know that they did this?
Just check some wierdo's combat logs.

eg mine or Xeno's :P
you will find us doing same monster quests or low level raids over and over again.

it's a good way to get faction points when you switch factions at high levels, because pretty much everything will lead to a sure loss...
better for u to fight some drag at RoH! 0.65 fsp for u mr wierdo!
[Player banned by moderator Takesister until 2009-10-27 17:12:27 // Calling people names - "Wierdo"]
u get elements that why people do mg
better for u to fight some drag at RoH! 0.65 fsp for u mr wierdo!

miss weirdo.
anyway waiting for dragons is beyond my patience limit. also low level monsters/raids is an assured victory even in min AP. why risk getting fried by 20 dragons.

and i don't need advise from other as how to play, if i find pleasure in reporting in late for missions so be it :p
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // No name calling]
I know you can figure this out by looking at someone's combat log. But you'd have to comb through the log to find multiple instances of the same quest at the same level. And unless you know for sure that the person does this, this can be quite a futile exercise, and that's a lot of snooping. I was just curious if you actually went through that much trouble, and that you have that much time on your hand.

And even if you do find what you're looking for, it might not mean that the person did it deliberately.
[Post deleted by moderator EROCS // off-topic]
[Post deleted by moderator EROCS // off-topic]
closed by EROCS (2009-10-28 02:33:08)
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