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AuthorWeird bid after my mistake
Today I wanted to make an auction of Windflower, i did a mistake and instead i put on the market a stack of 1 Ore with the price of the Windflower (7850 bid, 8100 buyout) and with great surprise i see that this player killer-barb has made a bid on it O.o
What shall i do? He will pay a big-times-unfair price for it so may i transfer to him the golds to make it a fair transation or what? ...really weird
I say you transfer the gold back for the ore and sell it to him for normal price... Its a bit sad it you just keep the money lol.
no need.Its ur gold now...he shud have checked!
btw...if he PLEADS u...then u may transfer him gold...but i wonder how he cud bid....maybe he wanted to block u by saying u was hakin his acc to get gold...........o r maybe it was his passion to spend money!
if i wud be in ur place i wud buy a nice artifact!:D
it all depends on your conscience, and how you want to be seen.

If you want to be seen to be nice, then you can always send him the difference back, however there is no rule governing this, so if you want, you are also welcome to keep all the gold you get from it.
It's best to return the difference it back.

Such high prices might raise eyebrows and there's always a possibility of getting reported. Since ore is not TGI/thief item/Hunter arts, it's expected to be bought and sold within a sane limit. Crossing the limit (even with accidents) might be taken as money laundering.
Be nice, send the gold back, or your soul will be traumatized and you will start to speak a weird english...
keep it, make him ur buisness partner. = win
Game rules - You don't have to return it. Perfectly legit transaction.

(Knight's) moral conduct - As it was (obviously?) a mistake on his part (kidda new player, this killer-barb. He may not know market rate. I know this player who kept asking others to repair his Wooden sword coz he didn't know he could buy it much cheaper from the Arts Shop. He did it till he was lvl 5 before I told him and he was both pissed and sad. haha..), I think it would be the 'right' thing to do to return him the gold and charge him a 'fair' price for it. :)

PS: Knights are supposed to defend the weak.. not take advantage of them. :p
For ggtouch-
Be nice, send the gold back, or your soul will be traumatized and you will start to speak a weird english...
du u mean i speak weird english!how dare u insult me!
n for It is not illegal to charge extra price!so u keep it....lol my lvl 7 char also used to charge lots of gold!10%of time some fanactic came and thought more money meant more quality(cuz i enchanted it). n paid a high price!lotsa gold.he is banned on forums so he cant post :(
For TS it was just a joke, no insult intended.

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Short: keeping is legal, sending back is nice, your choice...
PS: Knights are supposed to defend the weak.. not take advantage of them. :p

IMHO, just send the poor fella his money back. Be a respectable senior player to a newbie (and at the same time, it is after all the 'right' thing to do)

Thanks to all people who posted here, I will be the nice guy, basically because I like to keep my transfer log clean ;P and i will send back a right amount of golds to make it a fair purchase.
But I'm still wondering why he wanted to buy a single piece of ore for almost 8k golds. Newbie mistake? hmmm... don't know really.
closed by Balanud (2009-10-29 15:07:46)
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