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AuthorRecruitment Dark Elf?

I just got to lvl 7, I built the fort and I can have 24 rouges/shrews, 10 lizard calvs and 16 minotaurs.
However, I just played a duel against another DE, who had 32 rouges, 20 minotaurs and 10 lizards, what am I doing wrong?
I do have shrews (diamond upgrade) but I tried to downgrade them to see if that was the cause, but still, only 24 rouges... Please help me understand what Im doing wrong (player with this setup was Golgauth)
Nevermind, talent rally fixed the thing :P

So then another question.
Im playing TG, better to have Rally than to have luck+2 ? or even Battle Fury as some players have told me to use? I mean 32 shrews is pretty much more than 24 :P
Guess you solved the problem, no?
You have currently:
32 shrews
20 minos
10 lizards
I would go with rally.
for ur level, rally is best. when u get to lvl 9 get battle fury
rally would be better at your level now.
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