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AuthorAfk in a group battle should pay
+1. Frankly, VERY few people have connections poor enough that they accidently drop

not everyone is fortunate to have a connection that good, remember not everyone is from the same country, or continent as you, there are people who play from much less developed contries and therefore have worse connection links, and even the BEST connections will sometimes drop accidentally.

Also My router upgraded its firmware last night, which was unpredictable to say the least, luckily I wasn't in a battle though, but there are plenty of different reasons why a connection might drop, no matter how good the connection
for jrf:

- Taken from misself post, too easy to exploit from cheaters (First of All)

- Taken from MilesTeg post, can't punish the offender when the person is in no possibilities to avoid such situation by bad signage or in our case, bad internet connection.


Solutions (Like Level 10+ players do)
- Gather some people of your level that you know have good connection, and set up a group battle restricted only to THOSE people.
Just to add to corndog post.

Reasons that might make your line drops.

- Power gets cut out in your sector
- Internet Service Provider problems
- DNS not working
- Their line gets broken
- Maintenance that wasnt suppose to break lines
- And much more
- Router upgrades or mulfunctioning (cannot be predicted)
- Other computer's problems (Viruses and the like)

Ive seen all those in my job, so I cannot blame 'unwanted' AFK.
To me, this seems like a debate on whether or not to punish people who join GBs knowing that they have a bad connection and could drop out, or lag out and miss a turn or two.

People who say no, say:
It's not their fault. There could be a freak thunderstorm that crashes the Internet. Their provider could cut them off. A child could trip over a cable and disconnect something. Their ISP could have tech difficulties. They won't always know if they're going to drop, and if they do, they should be allowed to have fun as well. And, if you want to play with "good connection" people, make a battle with you friend who you know won't AFK.

People who say yes, say:
Very very rarely does something like an ISP crash happen, or a thunderstorm, or a hardware malfunction. And if this happens regularly, than this falls into the category of the player being aware of his/her Internet problems, and joining anyway. They say people should not be allowed to come in and ruin other peoples' fun, time and gold by AFKing and ruining the battle. And even if you make a battle "for you friends" nothing stops other players from joining. Making a clan for your friends is expensive and takes a looong time. These players should not be able to "try and have fun" if it means they will often ruin other peoples' experiences in game. Or, if they are allowed to do this, there should be a penalty it the connection does drop.
for occassional, rare, unwanted AFK cases the -2luck rule is good...
for reoccuring AFKers the AFK-counter was suggested...

if someone has a bad ISP or lousy connection, play offline games... even he will have less headache, cuz he is not wasting arts...

I was AFK due the several reasons, not hearing the beep, ISP-maintanance, etc but thats not common it happens about 1 times in 2-3 months... what i am saying, everybody has worse ratio should be punished... than he can decide for example not to join battles, while he is in his workplace and boss urges to get sg done leaving teammates dry... that can be planned by anyone...

and one more AFKers, who intentionally goes AFK, cuz someone joins fullarts in a min AP battle, or a poorly set multilvl random battle... its hard to prove one do so...

we r all humans, everybody should respect the other by not cheating, AFKing and taunting...
@ arcanyx:

I'm an adult and fully awake! It's not being selfish, self-centered or looking for a 'quick buck' at all. It's a matter of just plain fair play & courtesy to other players.

When a player goes AFK during a Group Battle, his or her teammate(s) are the ones left 'holding the bag' and the ones who lose artifact durability. These AFKers are the ones who are being selfish & self-centered!

Thankfully, I'm now at a higher level where AFKers are more rare; but there are still some who go AFK when they see the battle is hopelessly lost or maybe just got distracted by something in the real world. Whatever the reason, the battle is ruined & teammate's artifact durability is lost.

Some players actually do have enough class to pay their teammate(s) for their lost artifact durability if they had to go AFK - but most do not care if they ruined a battle and cost their teammates artifact durability. I feel like these AFKers should be responsible for their actions in this game when it affects other players.
My suggestion: no durability loss for players who had an AFKer in their team. Problem solved? :)
Added to my suggestion: only in the early time of the group battle
good luck arranging with the admins...
To arcanyx:

You got it wrong.

I consider the afk fine like a parking fine.

A fine to remind you that if you can not commit to a limited parking time DO NOT park here!!! because everyone needs a parking lot.

if you can not commit to a GB, DO NOT join!!! becasue veryone want a fair and fun game.

Welcome to what you call a self-centered, immature, capitalistic, intolerant world... you will know very very soon my young padawan.
I think it's better if the money not to go to other players,but go to empire,such as imposed penalty for AFK
47 + 51 = solution to cheater arguement.
@ Someon3:

Why should the fine go to the Empire? The Empire wasn't the one who lost artifact durability. Maybe both a fine to the Empire and restitution to the teammates who maintained the loss. Seems like the fair thing to do.
Cant you guys hear yourselves out? You've turned it into something which revolves around personal interest. Honestly, those who support this suggestion is just plain self centered, selfish, and looking for a quick buck on players who just wanna have fun, and unfortunately had their fun cut short due to technicalities. No offense, but your comments deserve an eye opener both to you personally, and others reading.

your my new best friend!!! you sond like me =)

I'm an adult and fully awake! It's not being selfish, self-centered or looking for a 'quick buck' at all. It's a matter of just plain fair play & courtesy to other players.

When a player goes AFK during a Group Battle, his or her teammate(s) are the ones left 'holding the bag' and the ones who lose artifact durability. These AFKers are the ones who are being selfish & self-centered!

How is AFK being selfish. At lvl 5 arts are implimented, so a waste in art durability is penality enough. I think instead of focusing on fines of the AFKer, something should be done in helping the person who the afker affected. I.E. They can controll the abandoned units.
for Blood_Moon:

It doesn't take much thought to figure out how an AFK player is being selfish. They entered into a group battle and then abandoned and deserted their post; leaving the rest of his teammates in the lurch.

The AFK player robs his teammates of experience points, gold (in the case of assisted Hunts) and of course, as mentioned before, artifact durability, which is quite costly.

From reading your post Blood_Moon, I get the impression that you might go AFK yourself and are now trying to justify those actions. Sorry, but when the selfish, thoughtless or careless actions of one player detrimentally affects other players on his or her team, there should be consequences!
I get the impression that you might go AFK yourself

yes i do go AFK on occasion. I am not saying that it is okay, but it doesnt happen often, and since i have dial-up, when i get disconnected it take aprox. 3 min to get back online, and then another 3min for me to get to this page.

I think however you get the wrong idea from my statements, if you were careful in reading my post you would have read that i like the idea that a counter should be implemented. This is a good idea. You can re-read the post if you want to know the specifics (i do hope u can read a short post). However, the main thing i am fighting for that seems to be of GREAT confusion is the idea that nothing should be done. I just have a problem when you go afk twice and you have to pay 200 gold to each player, do the math.

Not every one is vindictive, and conniving as you think people are. Im sorry you feel everyone is out to take your fun away from the game. And, if i ever encounter you in battle i will be more than happy to go AFK and love every min. of it =)
for Blood_Moon:

Oh please, excuses, excuses! It is NEVER okay to go AFK when you are in a Group Battle. I had Dial Up for the first six months of playing this game and never went AFK. Not only that, but even if you got disconnected (which I doubt) and it takes only three minutes to get back online, you can still resume the battle without being eliminated; because it takes FIVE full turns to be eliminated. So you're just plain lying!

Thankfully, you're a full five levels behind me and will never get the chance to go AFK in a Group Battle with me. You have proven by your statements that you will go AFK without any conscience or thoughtfulness of the other players involved. It's players like you that make us want some consequences to be put upon players who go deliberately go AFK!
-1 I agree with Danzi !
ya You have proven by your statements that you will go AFK without any conscience or thoughtfulness of the other players involved.

Yep, dang it, you labled me a like a can of soup. Maybe you should look at my combat logs when i can get back on. I apoligize. But that is only a front, you have me down. I like wasting my time, it is very fun, i also like it when other people AFK me. There is two combats where that has happened to me. And one of them i let them have it b/c they dont even say sorry.

aprox. 3 min to get back online
last time i cheched aprox. doesnt mean it is a concreate 3 min. And by the way the age of your compture affects the speed of it. Just saying. Also there is a lvl caps (14) so i CAN catch up to you.
for Blood_Moon:
for Zephyranna:

This is not the place, take that in private mail.

Also, even if AFK is not healthy for the game, it is inevitable, can happen accidently and must be resolve in another way then penalizing more the AFK player. (AFK player actually gets penalized, -2 luck for 1 hour and often private hate mail.)

A lot of reasons can explain an AFK situation and yet no one is totally safe from a connection drop, not even those with T1 lines or more. The purposefully AFKers are already been punish if proof is brought in Complaints and Applications - Battle and Tavern Games.

I dont see why we would need even more penalities for AFKers.

A solution that let the other player take control of the AFKer's troops for their own and make use of it to gain the XP and SP remaining with those troops would be a WAY better solution.
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