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Authorextra bonus?
This player has attack parameter of 5 while he is level 4.
At level 4, he can have maximum of 4 parameter value if he invests all his bonus points in attack
player profile link: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4674154
At level 4, he can have maximum of 3parameter value if he invests all his bonus points in attack

the rest is hunters guild, it gives +1 attack for every lvl in it
here's another player with attack 4 and knowledge 1...So again, total 5, that means she recieved 4 bonus points while she has crossed only three levels
the rest is hunters guild, it gives +1 attack for every lvl in it
In that case his hunter guild is level 2. So he should have attack 6.
And by the way, you're wrong, hunter guild's attack bonus is not displayed in parameters

This is another.
pls explain somebody
HG bonus IS displayed in parameters..

3% ini from racial innate ability
3 atk from level up (you do not have a free point at level 1)
2 atk from HG

so I don't see what's wrong there
Racial skill bonuses are additive.
They are only displayed in the troops information dialog. (meaning racial bonuses only not also HG)
for soham_banerjee:
Example of player with all in attack + HG1:

(actualy this is you :)
ya thanks...both of you...I got it :)
closed by Lord Pantheon (2009-11-28 21:33:33)
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