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MH arts

AuthorMH arts
what is the chance you get a MH art while hunting?
very slime about 30 % i think
thats not very slim

one third,

at least itsd better than nothin but i want a more specific and sure answer
Your chance to get a hunting art is (HG+3)%. Since your HG is 3, then you have a 6% chance of getting a hunting art.

So 3% MH art and 3% H art.
Chance to get arts = (3 + HG)%
for Pantheon:

so if i do get an art
theres a 50-50 chance for it to be a MH or regular
for Chance12:
Yes. It is random for whichever hunting art you receive. Since you can only receive regular and MH, then it is random between those arts.
Ok thanks

closed by Lord Chance12 (2009-11-29 09:47:49)
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