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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
hello young lik, how was your christmas?
Xmas Presents for WGW Logo..^^,Merry Xmas All..
Just read in the .ru thread!

They don't have a christmas event yet!!! And we HAVE one~

Pity no one notices these things and still continue to complain :P
for gurumao:
hello ''old'' gurumao:P In my opinion... X-mas taste great :D
hello ''old'' gurumao:P In my opinion... X-mas taste great :D

D: being Zya's granny does make me doesn't it?
guess noe but simply looking at your name( GURUmao)...well guru sounds kinda old :P lol
yay GH shield as second gift^^ oh and:

:) Guru in my language means teacher!
Guru in my language means old and a bit of wise...and if I'm correct a guru is like a wizard at some tribed...he's old there too :P

:) lol lik
Yes spread :) this X-mas and NewYear to all and sundry~
I need 3 fir tree trinkets than im done =)
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