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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
I need 3 fir tree trinkets than im done =)

Good Luck with that
:) Ty brb eat dinner than back to flooding
Christmas taste great!!!! Do you agree with me??

have a tasty dinner...where r u from??? It's 14:38 here :S
I just realised something... It is indeed that time of the year again you can find that line at the Christmas event announcement, 3rd paragraph, 2nd line...that means... ADMINS STOLE THAT FROM THIS TOPIC'S NAME!!!!!=THIS TOPIC IS FLOODING TOPIC...=ADMINS ARE FLOODERS!!!!
let's practise our math:
:)= shift+;0
:) = shirt + ;0
Floodmates. I need your faith once once more.

You smell Bandits (614), when you are about to pass by, you notice - they are guarding 257 gold

Owned? Pwned? You decide!
just lost 7.1k on roulette ;P landed on 24 but i bet 23 and 25
well i'm of to lunch^^ there's still some turkey left yay!!!
well i'm of to lunch^^ there's still some turkey left yay!!!

Can I have some? :)
there's still some turkey left yay!!! from thanksgiving? O.o
Lol stale turkey =p
Soathon saved the day. :DDD
Steel: 106

Lots of steels to be sold, and I don't mind 'losing' 1 gold each time. :DD
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