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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
Shawn, i'm leaving flooding only, not the game :D

Yes thought about taking a break myself!

cya all
Me too :)

Bye all :)

Will be inactive from Monday till 23rd November..BYE
I'm Not Taking A Break But I Leave Flooding Forever :D
I can see this topic closing this X-mas! :S
I applied for a forum mod whahaahahahaah!!! lol
why! why is everyone leaving dont
this is stupid, ever snice akshat left, and i got css (:P) it slowed down, but doesnt mean we need to stop
may i remind its Flooding...

It's what made us as a group, as friends, team mates or whatever.

Coolhed's leaving (flooding), akshat got blocked, hewrin ( still getting news) and now you goku?
+ he coolahed still owes me 10k but dont leave is all im saying
and why was akshat banned?... the order of flooding is breaking down :(
kind of :S maybe because, from what we've heard, we're not doing flooding like the old times and so on ppl get bored :o we are some failures as flooders...we should all die...~end of dramatic scene~ xD
lol lik, i no we stopped at a point but that is no means to quit...
well i'm a bit angry and so i;ll cool down with a bit of css :P cya guys
+ he coolahed still owes me 10k but dont leave is all im saying

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack;)
O.o that was fast
what do i do to sign up?

(i just got ignored again)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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