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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
lol, but u could get banned like that noname XD
but no one wont get banned as much as me !! :P
XD wats that suppose to do???
lol, hey, its a bad timing that u came back this late (or was it always like this) cya tmrw ^^
yeah ! he will get banned if he is bored !=)
cya dude

welcome this new flooder!
[Player banned by moderator Kiz until 2010-11-27 00:23:42 // Additional characters not allowed to leave messages in Main Forums.]
potato ..... banned !! :P
sup yal ?
coolahed was in chat..arctic too
for Goku_30:

im not ur frnd ? then why im not in your frnd list :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((9

omg i always thought i missed sum1 in the list . .... its u ! :D

so sryy sry
done :D
LoL !
:D wazup /
Reputation: 9.5
status: A dozen of heroes like you, and the Empire will prosper. Here, this is your reward!
You receive 42 gold, Ice crystal

YaY !
arfff i dnt get elements fr MG so i left it :P
Goku :)
Goku_30 has challenged Elfmoon https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=493758418
yea deth ..
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