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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
comin wait
I want to level up fast.
Goku is dead! Hurray!!!!
for Goku_30: ou est-ce que t'as appris le Fran&#231;ais? A l’&#233;cole?
--" je suis francais ...
no, you are a *dead* french!...
Hallelujah to the dead Goku!...
What Happens After A Suicide ?
All the bad things! You feel horrible pain throughout all you body, you brains feels like it is going to explode, your guts are twisting like a chain spreading unimaginable pain from head to toes, you feel like vomiting every second, your eyes are burning like a tone of salt fell inside them, your ears full of abominable pain, and your soul is burning like a volcano forever lost in disgrace and oblivion!
for Goku_30:

why are u asking that 0.0
Still Thinking About The End
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