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Author | It's That Time of the Year Again~ |
rgrhbhgdrg | dfghdgdfghdfgh | mjhk, tgjdxhydgfjhrd | ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuukryukryukryukryukrtyilfuclasdkfgaskgh | s;fdkgh;adfjkgfckas;klfhaskghasgh
haha cool i posted exactly on 10:00:00 | wrwrwgnhghnasdpfouasdopfsadpkoasdfusdckawodfuopackodfuasdofuapsdjasfuasp[ckadpfuoasp[dcjaspdofc kodfuasdckasopd[sfuoaspdjfasdopfufkcosducfaspdociasdopfuufkcopsdufp[sfjp[uickoaspdfuap[sdfjapsd ofucjl;io;yio;hioj.;yio | coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllll | jhkhjkl.lkl,kk | dfkjfd hflkhklf | kohokpgfpokgfpghpogh | Special abilities
Barbarian characters and certain creatures possess special abilities. Abilities can be passive or activated, single-targeted or area-targeted. Click the "Spell/Ability" button to activate an ability. Specify the target or the area for that ability on the battlefield. In order to cancel usage of an activated ability, click the "Spell/Ability" button once more.
# Aimed shot:
Ranged attacks against targets within 3 tiles take greater ranged damage from this creature (target's defense is considered to be zero).
# Assault:
Whenever an enemy stack adjacent to this creature is attacked in melee by any of your other troops, this creature deals 50% the normal damage to it.
# Aura of magic proof:
All allied creatures adjacent to this one obtain cumulative 30% magic proof.
# Battledance:
The creature simultaneously attacks all enemies adjacent to it (up to 8 stacks in total). The target takes full damage and retaliates the attack. All other enemies take half the damage and do not retaliate.
# Battledive:
α Activated special ability.
This creature flies up into the air aiming to attack the battlefield tile of your choice on its next turn. Until that attack, the creature is not present on the battlefield. Any creature that will be in that tile at the moment of attack, be friendly or hostile, will receive the normal physical damage without being retaliated. After the dive, this creature will land on a random tile.
# Besiege:
This creature deals 10 times the normal damage to castle walls and towers.
# Blade of doom:
This creature's attack or retaliation is guaranteed to slay at least one enemy creature. (Its final damage is increased by its target's HP)
This ability will only have effect at a Mercernaries' Guild monster when the latter has less than 1000 HP.
# Blinding brilliance:
† Triggering special ability.
When this creature attacks an enemy, there is a chance of blinding it. Blinded creatures cannot attack or move, but will regain their sight once dealt damage. This ability will not blind Undead, Elemental and Mechanical creatures. The effect duration is 1.6 combat turns.
# Bloodlust:
Attack parameter of this creature increases every time any enemy stack perishes completely. The effect is calculated as 1.3*[basic attack of the perished stack without character bonuses]*[strength of the perished stack]/[strength of all army of that character]. The effect cannot be lower than 1. Strength is an unrevealed parameter. Creatures acquire bloodlust for the rest of the combat, bloodlust effects stack up.
# Bravery:
These creatures always have positive morale, never lower than 3.
# Broad attack:
This creature attacks 3 stacks at once (the target and two adjacent ones).
# Caster:
α Activated special ability.
This creature can use a set of magical spells in combat, similar to which characters use. The set of spells is individual for every creature type. The amount of mana is limited, but is always full at the beginning of each combat. Spell power is unrevealed and depends on the numbers of that stack.
# Demonic:
The creature belongs to the Demon faction, it is able to gate support directly from hell.
# Double shot:
Creatures perform two shots per each ranged attack.
# Double strike:
The creature performs two strikes at the target per move, being retaliated only after the first one.
# Draconic breath:
This creature deals damage to the target and the stack right behind it.
# Drain life:
This creature drains life during its attacks on living creatures, restoring its own hit points and even resurrecting perished creatures. Amount of hit points restored equals half the dealt damage.
# Drain mana:
This creature drains mana from their caster targets, and uses it to restore its health or even to resurrect the previously perished units. 1 mana per attacking creature is drained, but no more than the caster stack possesses. Every 1 mana restores or resurrects 1 | ummmm...
djinosjgergfsijorhjijihjiohr | yay... | # Elemental:
These creatures aren't living, they are unaffected by morale. They are also unaffected by poison, blinding, infection, mind-affecting spells; life cannot be drained from them. Nor can they be resurrected or healed.
# Entangling roots:
The creature tangles the target with its roots after the attack, immobilizing it. Any number of enemy stacks can be tangled. However, once the creature moves to any different tile, the immobilizing effects vanish.
# Fear attack:
† Triggering special ability.
The target attacked by this creature might get terrified and flee to the edge of the battlefield, losing all accumulated initiative. Fear attack does not affect creatures immune to mind-affecting spells or abilities.
# Flyer:
The creature can move around the battlefield ignoring obstacles (flying over them).
# Harvest soul:
α Activated special ability.
This ability kills exactly one creature in the enemy stack and dispels all positive spells and effects from it.
The target must be within reach; this creature will move to the nearest tile adjacent to the target in order to perform the ability.
This ability will only have effect at a Mercenaries' Guild monster when the latter has less than 1000 HP.
# Ignore defense:
This creatures ignores certain amount of the target's defense each time it deals damage.
# Immune to delay:
The creature is unaffected by the "Delay" spell.
# Immune to earth:
Earth magic spells deal no damage to this creature.
# Immune to fire:
Fire magic spells deal no damage to this creature.
# Immune to lightning:
"Lightning" and "Chain lightning" spells and "Thunderbolt" ability deal no damage to this creature.
# Immune to magic:
This creature is unaffected by any kind of magic, be beneficial or harmful.
# Immune to mind control:
This creature is immune to mind-affecting spells and effects.
# Immune to water:
Water magic spells deal no damage to this creature.
# Inflame:
α Activated special ability.
This creature is able to set all tiles around itself on fire once per combat, dealing damage to all creatures in those tiles.
# Incorporeal:
Physical attacks against this creature are only 50% likely to be successful. However, there is no way that three consecutive hits or three consecutive misses take place on every particular stack. After two consecutive hits a compulsory miss will occur, and vice versa. Incorporeal does not concern magical attacks against this creature. Any magic (except the "Raise dead" spell) applied to this creature also resets the consecutive hits & misses counter to 0.
# Infecting strike:
Each successful attack of this creature reduces the Attack and Defense parameters of the target by 4 (neither can drop lower than zero, though).
# Intellectual vigour:
The lord in control of this creature spends 25% less mana to cast spells.
# Intimidation aura:
All enemies adjacent to this creature have -3 morale. Does not affect Undead, Elemental, Mechanical creatures and creatures with Bravery.
# Jousting:
The damage dealt by this creature increases in proportion to the distance it covered before the attack each turn. The damage is increased by 5% per tile covered.
# Knockback:
† Triggering special ability.
After every attack, the creature has a chance to knock the target by one tile at the direction of its attack. The target will not be able to retaliate after a successful knockback, as well as it will lose all of its accumulated initiative. Large creatures cannot be knocked.
# Knocking shot:
† Triggering special ability.
In addition to the normal damage, there is a chance that this creature would knock the target back by 0.2 points on the ATB scale, delaying its turn.
# Large creature:
The creature occupies 2x2 tiles on the battlefield.
# Large shield:
This creature only takes 50% the normal ranged damage.
# Living creature:
This creature can be healed or resurrected. All creatures | # except Elemental, Mechanical and Undead ones are living.
# Lizard charge:
Target's defense is ignored by 20% per each tile covered by this creature before its attack (it cannot drop lower than zero, though).
# Magic shield 50%:
Magic spells deal 50% less damage to this creature.
# Magic shield 60%:
Magic spells deal 60% less damage to this creature.
# Magic shield 75%:
Magic spells deal 75% less damage to this creature.
# Mana convey:
α Activated special ability.
This creature can transfer its own mana to the lord in control of it (1 mana per creature in stack).
# Mana destroyer:
When this creature gains its first turn, it destroys a part of enemy lord's mana reserve. The amount of mana destroyed is 0.25 per unit, rounded to the nearest natural number.
# Mana stealer:
When this creature gains its first turn, it steals a part of enemy lord's mana reserve and transfers it to its own lord. The amount of mana stolen is 0.25 per unit, rounded to the nearest natural number.
# Mayhem:
† Triggering special ability.
This creature has a chance to decrease the target's speed by 50% and its initiative by 30%. The effect lasts for 2 turns.
# Mechanical:
This creature isn't living; its morale is always neutral. It can be repaired by creatures with the "Repair" ability.
# No melee penalty:
This shooter suffers no penalty when dealing melee damage.
# No ranged penalty:
This shooter always deals the normal ranged damage, even when firing at distant enemies.
# No retaliation:
Opponents never retaliate attacks of creatures with this ability.
# Onset:
α Activated special ability.
This ability doubles the creature's initiative for as long as its next three actions.
# Pack attack:
The target attacked by a stack of creatures with this ability is attacked by all adjacent stacks of the same creature type before it can even retaliate.
# Panacea:
α Activated special ability.
This ability heals any friendly stack back to full HP (without resurrecting dead units) and removes any negative spells and effects from it.
The target must be within reach; this creature will move to the nearest tile adjacent to the target in order to perform the ability.
# Plague shot:
The ranged attack of this creature deals normal damage to the target, then dealing 50% the damage to all the non-undead creatures adjacent to it.
# Poisoning:
Besides taking damage of the attack, the target will be taking additional damage for two full turns, each time it would gain its turn. The damage taken every time is as much as there were poisoners at the moment of their poisoning attack. The damage is earth elemental, so certain modifiers apply to it.
# Random caster: Darkness:
α Activated special ability.
This creature can cast a random Darkness magic school spell at enemy targets. The spells are cast at Advanced magic talent level.
# Random caster: Holy & Darkness:
α Activated special ability.
This creature can cast a random Darkness magic school spell at enemy targets, or a random Holy magic school spell at allied targets. The spells are cast at Advanced magic talent level.
# Range penalty:
This creature deals half the normal ranged damage (25% in case of distant shots), but does not have melee penalty.
# Rage:
The attack parameter of this creature increases every time a non-summoned stack of the same character perishes completely. The effect can be calculated as [basic attack of the perished stack without character bonuses]*[strength of the perished stack]/[strength of all army of that character]. The effect cannot be lower than 1. Strength is an unrevealed parameter. Creatures acquire rage for the rest of the combat, rage effects stack up. The maximal stacked effect can't exceed 2*(lord combat level).
# Regeneration:
Each time this creature gains its turn, it restores 3 to 50 Health Points depending on stack numbers.
# Repair:
α Activated special ability.
This creat | # Repair:
α Activated special ability.
This creature can repair allied mechanical creatures once per combat.
# Return fire:
This creature can retaliate ranged attacks. To do so, it shouldn't be blocked by adjacent enemy units as well as it should possess the unused retaliation of the current turn.
# Ricochet shot:
Whenever this creature deals ranged damage to an enemy, the projectile ricochets three times, each time to another enemy nearest to the previous one. The target takes full damage, the second-in-line - 50% damage, the third one - 25% damage, and the last enemy in line - 12.5% damage. Ranged penalty is applied to all those who are out of shooting range of this creature (more than 6 tiles away). The ricochet shot skips creatures with Demonic ability.
# Shadow whip:
† Triggering special ability.
This creature has a chance to impose one of the following Darkness spells at any melee attack: Delay; Weakness; Berserker. The spell is cast at Advanced Darkness magic level for three combat turns. Berserker cannot be imposed on Elemental, Mechanical and Undead creatures.
# Shield allies:
The creature shields all adjacent allies with its huge shield. As a result, those allies take only 75% ranged damage.
# Shooter:
This creature can deal ranged damage. When the distance to a target is larger than 6 tiles, the target only takes half the normal damage. The creature can't perform ranged attacks when there is an enemy stack adjacent to it. Shooters do half the normal damage when melee-attacking. The amount of ranged attacks in every combat is limited to the "Shots" parameter of every shooter. If shots go down to zero, the creature looses "Shooter" ability until end of combat.
# Six-headed attack:
This creature attacks all 12 adjacent tiles, dealing damage to each enemy in them.
# Spray: This creature attacks 3 tiles in a row or those forming a corner, depending on the direction of attack, dealing normal damage to all enemy creatures in them. If the creature with "Spray" is a "Large creature", it attacks 6 tiles around itself depending on the direction of attack.
# Strike and return:
This creature returns to its initial position after attack.
# Stun:
† Triggering special ability.
After every attack, the creature has a chance to stun the target so that it would not retaliate and would lose all its accumulated initiative. Stun doesn't affect mechanical creatures.
# Stunning blow:
This special ability of barbarian characters has a stunning effect, knocking the target back by 0.2 points on the ATB scale after every successful strike.
# Take roots:
When this creature defends, it gets +50% defense instead of the normal 30%, as well as "Unlimited retaliation" special ability, for as long as its one turn.
If your character has the "Stand your ground" talent, Take Roots' defense bonus is doubled.
# Teleport:
The creature can move around the battlefield ignoring obstacles (teleporting behind them).
# Through shot:
Ranged attacks of this creature deal damage to all stacks on the attack line, including allied ones.
# Thunderbolt:
† Triggering special ability.
This creature has a chance to deal additional damage on each attack by casting a "Lightning" spell at Advanced magic talent level.
# Transporter:
α Activated special ability.
This ability allows every creature of the stack to grab one allied creature into each paw and transport them to any other tile of the battlefield within the creature's movement range. Large creatures cannot be transported. The maximal amount of creatures being transported shouldn't exceed twice the numbers of the transporting stack.
# Triple strike:
The creature performs three strikes at the target per move, being retaliated only after the first one.
# Undead:
This creature is unaffected by morale, poisoning, blinding or mind-affecting magic.
# Unlimited retaliation:
This creature retaliates | Activated special abilities require the creature to take certain action, which is usually done by clicking the Cast spell / Use activated ability button. Using such an ability usually takes up the creature's turn, unless stated otherwise.
† Triggering special abilities may trigger during any attack. The probability of triggering depends on HP of damager and target.
If DHP ≥ THP, then
Probability = 25% + 3% * (DHP/THP);
Probability = 25% - 3% * (THP/DHP)
» DHP is the total remaining HP of the damaging stack;
» THP is the total remaining HP of the target stack;
» Trigger probability lays within the interval of [5%;75%];
» The moments to calculate the probability differ depending on the ability type.
-For Knocking shot and Stun, the probability is calculated using HP's of stacks before the actual attack.
-For Blinding brilliance, Fear attack, Knockback, Mayhem, Shadow whip and Thunderbolt, the calculation occurs after the attack and before target's retaliation;
» Blinding brilliance, Knockback, Mayhem, Shadow whip and Thunderbolt can also trigger on retaliation strikes. If blinding brilliance triggers on retaliation, it interrupts any attacker's actions supposed to occur after their strike (e.g. such abilities as Strike and return, Triple strike etc.) | jhftyuhfdujn h | hello son... | oR should say DAUGHTER! |
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