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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
1+2+3-6+8-7+2-3+15-8+7-15+5-4+2-1+3-5=? Test...
Anymore answer?
Answer is -1
Answer is -1
every time i start talking on this thread no one else does lol
..... ><> fishy
School holidays are finished ... nNOOO!!!
oo nooo
I want the 5000th post, i baggs it since i gain the honor from the elite, retired Herwin. lol
ye...ok with me
and where is the author?
Not fine with me }:)
The author, hidden away secretly down a dungeon
We must rescue the maiden!
You need a special key first, handed down by the great gods them self to me :P
we dont need a key we'll break it
Fair enough lol
But it's a magical door, only the wise who have learned the special ways of it will open it for you.

Hint: there hidden without the reaches of man XD
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