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It's That Time of the Year Again~


AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
Hey thief , gimme some gold... :)
no no no no NO!!
for X-hunter:
04-10-10 14:09: Received 1 Gold from thief568 : Make 14:20 10-4-2010 roulette number 34!

and it is 34

damn lucky!!!

TO X-Hunter!

18,000 winning on 34


I was lucky , just predict on 18,21 and win! WOO!!
4. Flood, advertising, foul words and insults.

4.1. Flood means posting messages not related to the discussion matter; messages not carrying any sense; messages acknowledged useless by the moderators/administrators; messages violating the local rules of a forum branch. Flood is not considered a malicious violation, however such posts can be deleted and the author might get banned.
4.2. It is forbidden to post messages preventing the users from comfortable reading the content. As an example, posting messages with an extremely large amount of characters without spaces will result in warping the forum structure and hence is prohibited.
4.3. Flashmobs on our forums are forbidden. Flashmobs are events when a player or a group of players post multiple messages of similar content in order to promote a topic, sink a different topic or provoke a moderator to lock or delete an important topic.
4.4. It is strictly forbidden to use foul language.
4.5. Foul language with regard to an administrator, moderator or any other project staff can be punished by banning for 1 month up to blocking the violator's character.
4.6. It is forbidden to insult other players, as well as to provoke an insult. Any player can lodge a complaint in case if he or she has been insulted. However, terms of analyzing a complaint are unlimited.

5. Actions of moderators and administrators.

5.1. Administration's actions and decisions are not subject to discussion.
5.2. A moderator can be wrong. If you suspect he or she is, c.f. par.1.5.
5.3. A moderator must be impartial.
5.4. Moderators are allowed to estimate the actions of other moderators, of an administrator, or to discuss their decisions exceptionally through private correspondence with them, on the special hidden forum, or directly with the game Administration.

P.S. Dear players! Our forum holds a relative freedom of speech. However, remember, that the comfort of most players is our priority, so please be patient to each other and do not spoil the fun of the community.
nearly there everyone!!!!
189 left from this post yay!
hello everyone on this page
Someone join me flooding?
>> I love lords
I need loan!
Someone join me flooding?
I need loan! I need loan! Owe me! Owe me!

:p q:
I need loan! I need loan! Owe me! Owe me!
I need loan! I need loan! Owe me! Owe me!
Zomg Russian people are going mad!! 1.3M on RED and it all came on BLACK :P
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