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Author | It's That Time of the Year Again~ |
FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 FloOd! 0.0 | ohh duel !!!!!!!!!! | A NEW
Survive rocksssss...... | i suck at duels and GB's and im nt bad in ambushes and MG's and survival tourneys | # Favoured enemy
Thanks to this ability, elves gain a chance to inflict critical (double) damage in combat to a stack of creatures of certain types. Favoured enemies are chosen in the castle, in the "Avengers' guild" building.
# Favoured enemies can be changed anytime in the castle, their number is limited to 6, one from every faction except elves.
# Elvish troops cannot be chosen as favoured enemies.
# All monsters at hunt are regarded as favoured enemies, regardless of who is chosen as one, except elvish faction creatures.
# Chance of dealing critical damage: 5%+4%*[Elf skill level].
Magic proof
It is known that Barbarians spend their lives in constant contact with natural elements. They respect nature a lot, and get bound to the surrounding, earning grace of their Gods, who grant them steadiness to magic spells. Thanks to the "Magic proof" ability, every stack of Barbarian troops led by a lord has a resistance rate to any hostile magic.
# Resistance rate: 5%+7%*[Barbarian skill level].
Piercing magic
Dark elves hold an innate interest to the magical forces of nature connected with destruction. In addition to knowledge, accumulated for centuries, they have an inner intuition to magic that allows them to improvise on the battle field, making the effect of their spells unpredictable for the opponent. Dark elves have a unique ability to inflict extra damage with magic to creatures that have magic shield, and even pierce through magic proof and immunity. Damage dealt depends on lord's Dark elf skill level.
# Rate of piercing through magic resistances and immunity: 5%+7%*[Dark elf skill level].
This is a unique Demonic ability which allows your troops to call for additional reinforcements right on the combat field. The amount of troops summoned directly depends on the numbers of the summoning stack. Any demonic creature led by a lord is able to gate a stack consisting of 20%+4%*[Demon skill level] creatures of the summoning stack. This ability is extremely useful against neutral creatures. You will be able to distract enemy troops with the summoned armies and destroy them with your main forces, use magic or simply run them over with everything you've got.
Gated stacks disappear after combat. Note that if only gated creatures are left, the Demon loses the fight immediately, as if he or she didn't have them at all. | Parameters and their description:
• Attack
Influences the damage of your character and all your armies.
• Defense
Determines the steadiness of your troops to physical attacks of the opponent's troops. Does not extend over magical spells.
• Spell Power
Influences the efficiency of spells you use. Increasing the spell power makes magical damage greater, spell effect duration longer, number of resurrected creatures larger etc.
• Knowledge
Determines the maximal reserve of character's mana.
• Luck
The greater this parameter is, the more probable it is to deal double damage to the opponent with physical attacks. Luck shouldn't be negative, or else the damage might become twice lower. Luck can befall any creature in combat.
• Morale
Determines the chance of the troops to get their turns faster, than their initiative allows, or, on the contrary, to miss turns. Morale only affects living creatures.
• Initiative
Influences the sequence of the troops' turns in combat. | tnx for ur help !! i nvr knew this !!! :P | goku_30 profile :
I can create avatars depending on your faction, your sex and your likes. It costs 750 gold only and just 500 gold for clanmates !!! Don't ask for how to make an avatar, i can't tell you, this is my business. Go to album Avatars then take yours !!! And Enjoy !!!
My Necromancer Motto
"Life is change, chaos, filth and suffering. Death is peace, order, everlasting beauty."
Do not ask for ambushed gold, i worked hard to get it from you !!!!
If you ask then you will get the best reward = Blacklisted :)
Hello everyone !
I am a guy from India, i am 15 years old. I'm so single so single girls ... PM me ^^ if interested ...
I love this game, it's great. I also love aquariums, music, football, sports and video games.
My favourite sports are football, F1 and Go-kart. I practice everyday football. I think that's all about me.
Send me PM if you have anything to say. :)
My best friends in this game are :
hellowhoami ( very kind,a great friend, very intelligent, funny )
azabukinie ( very kind, a great friend, good player, good student, very helpful )
-P3nnyw1se- ( very kind, a great friend, good player, good student )
Moonhunter ( very kind, a great friend, nice player )
My dear flooder friends :
Highest Damages so far
Luck befalls Skeletal bowmen!
Skeletal bowmen deal 1292 damage to Unicorns. 3 perish.
----------------------------------- | hewrin profile :
thief568 is my bro , his multi is mrman1 and them568. my multi is hewrin2 and Hewrin3
IP might be same with -Normalboyzz- and Madlad568. And my ip might change
Wow, the following paragraph is amazing:
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Avatar created by Coolahed. *cough* *cough* | Is my profile nice ?! tnx all !!
survive's profile :
Multi :
Vanished (active)
avatar made by coolahed ------------>
Monsters of the underworld that fight for chaos, bloodshed and suffering during all their lives. The demon faction is hostile towards everything that lives. Their warriors are known for mindless cruelty on the battlefield, and their unique magic abilities allow them to call reinforcements from Inferno itself and bring down the fury of fire right upon their enemies. In battles, demon players are supposed to combine attacks with the assist of magic.
Demons are willing to burn the universe to ashes and plunge tormented world into everlasting darkness and destruction. Once this faction has already managed to occupy large territories of the Empire, but later the Inferno forces have been thrown back. Whether they can repeat, or even exceed this success – depends on you!
impossible win
Demon: 3 (93.36) +66.6
Be Prepared To Survive
for admin: _imperial_ its my sister acc might be the same IP please admin dont block us :)
Best damage:
luck befalls incendiaries
incendiaries deal 1447 damage to vampires 41 perish
over damage
luck befalls incendiaries
incendiaries deal 1005 damage to Vampire counts. 1 perish
note : sometimes when i'm online that doesnt meant i online on the computer.
no more loan
i only give loan to my friend
ale battle ?
i rent Hunter set for 900 gold / battle | survive wants to be my friend ?? maybe .. so answer ! | Hunter set :
Set bonus:
5 items and more:
+(10-16)% damage to neutral creatures.
9 items:
+20% damage to neutral creatures,
+3% initiative,
+1 to minimum and maximum damage of all lord's stacks.
Master hunter set :
Set bonus:
5 items and more:
+(15-24)% damage to neutral creatures.
9 items:
+30% damage to neutral creatures,
+5% initiative,
+1 to minimum and maximum damage of all lord's stacks.
Great hunter set :
Set bonus:
5 items and more:
+(20-32)% damage to neutral creatures.
9 items:
+40% damage to neutral creatures,
+5% initiative,
+1 to minimum and maximum damage of all lord's stacks.
Thief set :
Set bonus:
9 items:
+1 speed to all lord's stacks,
+10% initiative to the character. | Statistics
For the purpose of getting reliable information about the current market condition, all data about the goods being produced and consumed has been brought out into a special chart.
With its use you may not only acquire or trade a resource with maximal benefit, but also gain considerable profit from the price difference. For users' commodity, the chart is sorted by the most imported categories, such as resource name, its demand and supply. After choosing the desired goods type, you will instantly get the information about what facilities in which locations produce it, how much and what price do they bid or sell at.
The ability to use the economic statistics is the key to prosperity for any merchant!
Production works
Nowadays the most spread real estate is production works. As the game world is developed, new constructions will appear - neutral (marketplaces, harbors etc.) or those necessary for character growth (magical obelisks, schools of wizardry etc.). All the production works make up a complex including raw mats mining, their consequent machining in dedicated shops and finally, production of necessity goods.
In one way or another, all production in the game consists of seven basic elements: Wood, Ore, Mercury, Sulfur, Crystals, Gems, Leather. They are mined at: Sawmill, Ore pit, Lab, Sulfur dune, Crystal cavern, Gem mine, Farm respectively. Varying manufacture cost provides differing prices for the raw materials. The amount of characters' gold and resources owned is displayed in the top part of the game screen. | knight :
Farmer huts
These wooden huts of poor peasants allow to recruit units, armed only with pitchforks and not wearing defensive ammunition, from 22 upward.
Required level: -
Required constructions: -
Archery tower
These greatly equipped archery training halls allow to coach disciplined ranged fighters. From 12 bowmen upward can be recruited.
Required level: -
Required constructions: -
Thanks to this main rations supply for the lower rank human armies, the farmers recruit count is increased by 5.
Required level: 2
Required constructions: Farmer huts
Swordsmen, the indispensable force for attacking and holding the enemy pressure, are trained in these stone annexes. Allow to recruit from 10 units upward.
Required level: 3
g800 w1 o1
Required constructions: -
Training chambers
Training chambers allow knights to use their racial ability, Training. The hero is able to train lower tier troops into higher ones.
Required level: 3
g3,500 w10 o5
Required constructions: -
These market rows allow to post up to 3 lots on the common market.
Required level: 3
g500 w5
Required constructions: -
Increases inventory capacity by 5 items.
Required level: 4
g2,000 w10 o5
Required constructions: -
Griffin bastion
Allows you to recruit from 5 griffins upward.
Required level: 5
g5,000 o20
Required constructions: -
Magic Guild level 1
Holy and Darkness Magic schools: Rapid, Delay, Bless, Curse.
Required level: 5
g5,000 w5 o5 m3 s3 c3 g3
Required constructions: -
The workshop for repairing and modifying artifacts.
Required level: 6
g5,000 o5
Required constructions: -
Fort walls provide defense for your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 25%.
Required level: 7
g20,000 w20 o20
Required constructions: -
Monastery allows to recruit from 3 monks upward.
Required level: 8
g10,000 m12 s12 c12 g12
Required constructions: -
Magic Guild level 2
Holy and Darkness Magic schools: Dispersion, Stoneskin, Disruption ray, Poison.
Required level: 8
g5,000 w20 o 20m12 s12 c12 g 12
Required constructions: Magic Guild level 1
Magic Guild level 3
Holy and Darkness Magic schools: Evasion, Chastise, Confusion, Weakness.
Required level: 10
g5,000 w30 o30 m20 s20 c20 g20
Required constructions: Magic Guild level 2
Knighthood Arena
Knighthood arena allows you to recruit from 2 cavalry upward.
Required level: 11
g50,000 w20 c20
Required constructions: -
Citadel walls grant additional defense to your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 50%.
Required level: 12
g80,000 w40 o40
Required constructions: Fort
Altar of Light
Allows to recruit from 1 angel upwards.
Required level: 14
g120,000 o300
Required constructions: Knighthood Arena | necromancer :
These dark and somber burial halls allow to recruit from 20 skeletons upward.
Required level: -
Required constructions: -
The crypt of zombies, insensitive to pain and fear, allows to recruit from 15 units upward.
Required level: -
Required constructions: -
Ravaged tombs
This damp and cheerless burial site increases the skeletons recruit count by 6.
Required level: 2
Required constructions: Churchyard
Demolished tower
Unrested souls dwell this place. From 9 ghosts upward are available to recruit.
Required level: 3
g800 w1 1
Required constructions: -
These market rows allow to post up to 3 lots on the common market.
Required level: 3
g500 w5
Required constructions: -
Increases inventory capacity by 5 items.
Required level: 4
g2,000 w10 5
Required constructions: -
The ancient abandoned mansion allows you to recruit from 5 vampires upward.
Required level: 5
g3,000 w10 m10
Required constructions: Demolished tower
Magic Guild level 1
Nature and Darkness Magic schools: Magic punch, Delay, Curse.
Required level: 5
g5,000 w5 5 m3 3 c3 3
Required constructions: -
The workshop for repairing and modifying artifacts.
Required level: 6
g5,000 5
Required constructions: -
Fort walls provide defense for your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 25%.
Required level: 7
g20,000 w20 20
Required constructions: -
Burial-vault allows you to recruit from 3 liches upward.
Required level: 8
g5,000 m25 25 c10 10
Required constructions: -
Magic Guild level 2
Nature and Darkness Magic schools: Wasp swarm, Disruption ray, Poison.
Required level: 8
g5,000 w20 20 m12 12 c12 12
Required constructions: Magic Guild level 1
Magic Guild level 3
Nature and Darkness Magic schools: Summon phantom, Confusion, Weakness.
Required level: 10
g5,000 w30 30 m20 20 c20 20
Required constructions: Magic Guild level 2
Abandoned castle
Abandoned castle allows to recruit from 2 death envoys upward.
Required level: 11
g45,000 w20 20 m20
Required constructions: -
Citadel walls grant additional defense to your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 50%.
Required level: 12
g80,000 w40 40
Required constructions: Fort
Dragon Cemetery
Provides for recruiting from 1 skeletal dragon upwards.
Required level: 14
g90,000 w100 100 m50 c50 50
Required constructions: Abandoned castle
Dragon Tombstone
Increases the skeletal dragons recruit count by 1.
Required level: 14
g15,000 20 m10
Required constructions: Dragon Cemetery
Upgraded constructions
Once buried in this graveyard of great warriors and leaders, resurrected with magic and taught the archery skill, the skeletal bowmen will considerably enhance your army.
Required level: 5
g10,000 m25 s25
Required constructions: Ravaged tombs
Alternative cost:
d 15
Required level:3
Underground depot
These additional storing sites, situated under the warehouse, increase the inventory capacity by 10 more items.
Required level: 7
g20,000 w20 o40
Required constructions: Warehouse
Alternative cost:
d 10
Required level:4
Infected crypt
Allows to train zombies into infected zombies.
Required level: 8
g40,000 s30
Required constructions:
Alternative cost:
d 15
Required level:6
Apparition tower
Upgraded demolished tower, the apparition tower allows to recruit apparitions.
Required level: 10
g40,000 w50 o50 m50
Required constructions: Demolished tower
Alternative cost:
d 30
Required level:9
The upgraded construction of mansion allows to recruit vampire counts.
Required level: 12
g60,000 w20 o40 m30
Required co | wizard :
Gremlin workshop
This levitating island is the gremlin school. The building provides from 20 units upward to recruit.
Required level: -
Required constructions: -
Stone parapet
The statues of these flying creatures are reviven by magic. The construction provides from 14 units upward to recruit.
Required level: -
Required constructions: -
Golem foundry
Being a magical blacksmith for production of the wizards' infantry, this construction allows to recruit from 10 mechanical golems upward.
Required level: 3
g800 w1 o1
Required constructions: -
These market rows allow to post up to 3 lots on the common market.
Required level: 3
g500 w5
Required constructions: -
Artifact foundry
Allows to forge individual equipment for creatures.
Required level: 3
g1,000 c5
Required constructions: Golem foundry
Increases inventory capacity by 5 items.
Required level: 4
g2,000 w10 o5
Required constructions: -
Mage tower
Allows you to recruit from 5 magi upward.
Required level: 5
g3,000 w3 o3 m3 s3 c3 g3
Required constructions: -
Magic Guild level 1
Nature and Chaos Magic schools: Magic arrow, Earthen spikes.
Required level: 5
g2,000 w3 o3 m1 s1 c1 g1
Required constructions: Artifact foundry
The workshop for repairing and modifying artifacts.
Required level: 6
g5,000 o5
Required constructions: -
Fort walls provide defense for your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 25%.
Required level: 7
g20,000 w20 o20
Required constructions: -
Altar of wishes
The altar allows to recruit from 3 genies upward.
Required level: 8
g8,000 c25 g25
Required constructions: -
Magic Guild level 2
Nature and Chaos Magic schools: Wasp swarm, Raise dead, Ice clod, Lightning.
Required level: 8
g5,000 w20 o20 m12 s12 c12 g12
Required constructions: Magic Guild level 1
Allows to recruit extra 2 genies.
Required level: 9
Required constructions: Altar of wishes
Magic Guild level 3
Nature and Chaos Magic schools: Summon phantom, Ice ring, Fireball.
Required level: 10
g5,000 w30 o30 m20 s20 c20 g20
Required constructions: Magic Guild level 2
Academy of Holy Magic
Required level: 10
g30,000 c50 g50
Required constructions: Magic Guild level 3
Silver pavillion
Silver pavillion allows to recruit from 2 sphynx guardians upward.
Required level: 11
g50,000 o20 s20
Required constructions: -
Citadel walls grant additional defense to your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 50%.
Required level: 12
g80,000 w40 o40
Required constructions: Fort
Cloud Temple
Allows to recruit from 1 giant upwards.
Required level: 14
g 110,000 w100 o100 c50 g50
Required constructions: Silver pavillion
Upgraded constructions
Gremlin manufacture
The upgraded workshop teaches only the most gifted gremlins. This manufacture allows to recruit gremlin engineers, that possess the skill of repairing in combat.
Required level: 5
g7,000 w50 o50
Required constructions: Gremlin workshop
Alternative cost:
d 10
Required level:3
Underground depot
These additional storing sites, situated under the warehouse, increase the inventory capacity by 10 more items.
Required level: 7
g20,000 w20 o40
Required constructions: Warehouse
Alternative cost:
d 10
Required level:4
Enchanted parapet
Allows to train gargoyles into enchanted gargoyles.
Required level: 8
g50,000 m30
Required constructions: -
Alternative cost:
d 20
Required level:6
Smelting foundry
Upgraded golem foundry, the smelting foundry allows to recruit modern golems.
Required level: 10
g30,000 w50 o50 s50
Required constructions: Golem foundry
Alternative cost:
d 25
Required l | elf :
Faerie trees
Faeries dwell the crowns and branches of giant trees that grow in this magical forest. Provides the recruitment from 10 creatures upward.
Required level: -
Required constructions: -
Terrace of Keepers
Sylvan warriors train their mastery of the famous battledance on this terrace. The construction allows to recruit from 9 forest keepers upward.
Required level: -
Required constructions: -
Blooming grove
This pintoresque groove, where wonderful flowers bloom and birds' singing doesn't stop all year long, increases the faeries recruit count by 4.
Required level: 2
g 500 g 2
Required constructions: -
Treetop shack
These small cabins, situated high upon the ground amidst dense foliage, are dwelled by the most experienced sylvan bowmen. From 7 creatures upward can be recruited.
Required level: 3
g800 w1 o 1
Required constructions: -
Avengers' guild
Supports the 'Favoured enemy' racial ability.
Required level: 3
g2,500 w5 c 10
Required constructions: -
These market rows allow to post up to 3 lots on the common market.
Required level: 3
g500 w5
Required constructions: -
Increases inventory capacity by 5 items.
Required level: 4
g2,000 w10 o5
Required constructions: -
This magical energy concentration site is the place where elvish priests meditate and study magic. Allows to recruit from 4 druids upward.
Required level: 5
g1,500 o20 s10
Required constructions: -
Magic Guild level 1
Holy and Nature Magic Schools: Rapid, Magic punch, Bless.
Required level: 5
g5,000 w5 o5 m3 s3 c3 g3
Required constructions: Stonehenge
The workshop for repairing and modifying artifacts.
Required level: 6
g5,000 o5
Required constructions: -
Fort walls provide defense for your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 25%.
Required level: 7
g20,000 w20 o20
Required constructions: -
Unicorn glade
The glade allows to recruit from 3 unicorns upward.
Required level: 8
g8,000 c30 g30
Required constructions: -
Magic Guild level 2
Light and Nature Magic schools: Dispersion, Stoneskin, Wasp swarm, Raise dead.
Required level: 8
g5,000 w20 o20 m12 s12 c12 g12
Required constructions: Magic Guild level 1
Magic Guild level 3
Holy and Nature Magic schools: Evasion, Chastise, Summon Phantom.
Required level: 10
g5,000 w30 o30 m20 s20 c20 g20
Required constructions: Magic Guild level 2
Treeherd vault
Treeherd vault allows to recruit from 2 treefolk upward.
Required level: 11
g 50,000 w20 m10 s10
Required constructions: -
Citadel walls grant additional defense to your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 50%.
Required level: 12
g80,000 w40 o40
Required constructions: Fort
Altar of Harmony
Summons from 1 green dragon upwards for recruiting.
Required level: 14
g50,000 w50 o50 s100 c100 g100
Required constructions: Treeherd vault
Upgraded constructions
Charmed forest
The faeries become part of the forest after additional training and studies, gaining new abilities. This is how the sprites are born.
Required level: 5
g10,000 c25 g25
Required constructions: Blooming grove
Alternative cost:
d 12
Required level:3
Underground depot
These additional storing sites, situated under the warehouse, increase the inventory capacity by 10 more items.
Required level: 7
g20,000 w20 o40
Required constructions: Warehouse
Alternative cost:
d 10
Required level:4
Arena of Keepers
Allows to train forest keepers into elite forest keepers.
Required level: 8
g50,000 g30
Required constructions: -
Alternative cost:
d 20
Required level:6
Treetop lodge
Upgraded treetop shack, treetop lodge allows to recruit grandmaster bowmen.
Required lev | EROSHIK ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS THE BEST HARDCORE GAMER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Constructions
Goblin barracks
These cramped cabins are mostly designed to make the eccentric goblins get used to military life. They give room to 25 creatures upward.
Required level: -
Required constructions: -
Wolf pen
Swift predators are kept and cultivated in such iron cages. The nursery provides from 10 wolf riders upward.
Required level: -
Required constructions: -
Dining hall
This dwelling supplies provisions for the lower tier of barbarian troops. Increases the goblin recruit count by 8.
Required level: 2
Required constructions: -
Orc tower
Agile and malicious orcs master their skills of axe-throwing in this vast building. The tower provides from 10 units to recruit upward.
Required level: 3
g800 w1 o1
Required constructions: -
These market rows allow to post up to 3 lots on the common market.
Required level: 3
g500 w5
Required constructions: -
Increases inventory capacity by 5 items.
Required level: 4
g2,000 w10 o5
Required constructions: -
Ogre fort
This dwelling, fenced by paling, is inhabited by ogres. Allows to recruit from 5 ogres upward.
Required level: 5
g4,000 w20
Required constructions: -
Combat school level 1
Teaches the hero a new ability: stunning blow.
Required level: 5
g5,000 w5 o5 m3 s3 c3 g3
Required constructions: -
The workshop for repairing and modifying artifacts.
Required level: 6
g5,000 o5
Required constructions: -
Fort walls provide defense for your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 25%.
Required level: 7
g20,000 w20 o20
Required constructions: -
Allows to recruit from 3 rocs upward.
Required level: 8
g12,000 w40 o60
Required constructions: -
Combat school level 2
Required level: 10
g30,000 w40 o40
Required constructions: Combat school level 1
Cyclop cavern
Allows to recruit from 2 cyclops upward.
Required level: 11
g50,000 o50
Required constructions: -
Citadel walls grant additional defense to your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 50%.
Required level: 12
g80,000 w40 o40
Required constructions: Fort
Behemoth Lair
Allows to recruit from 1 behemoth upwards.
Required level: 14
g70,000 w150 o150 c150
Required constructions: Cyclop cavern
Upgraded constructions
Hob hall
Being an upgraded training site where grown up mature goblins are transferred to from the barracks, this hall allows to recruit hobgoblins.
Required level: 5
g16,000 w25 o25
Required constructions: Dining hall
Alternative cost:
d 10
Required level:3
Underground depot
These additional storing sites, situated under the warehouse, increase the inventory capacity by 10 more items.
Required level: 7
g20,000 w20 o40
Required constructions: Warehouse
Alternative cost:
d 10
Required level:4
Wolf enclosure
Allows to train wolf riders into wolf raiders.
Required level: 8
g50,000 w30 o30
Required constructions: -
Alternative cost:
d 20
Required level:6
Chief tower
Upgraded orc tower, the chief tower allows to recruit orc chiefs.
Required level: 10
g30,000 w50 o50 c50
Required constructions: Orc tower
Alternative cost:
d 25
Required level:9
barbarian :
Ogre Stronghold
The upgraded version of ogre fort allows to recruit ogre magi.
Required level: 12
g60,000 w50 o50 c10
Required constructions: Ogre fort
Alternative cost:
d 35
Required level:11
Celestial Cliff
Upgraded cliff, the celestial cliff allows to recruit Thunderbirds.
Required level: 14
g80,000 w30 o30 5 s5 c5 g5
Required constructions: Cliff
Alternative cost:
d 40
Required level:13
These chambers, hidden in the inner castle walls, increase the inventory by 10 more items.
Required level: 14
Cost: | dark elf :
Military school
Military school allows you to recruit from 7 bandits upward.
Required level: -
Required constructions: -
Arena of blood
The arena allows you to recruit from 5 rogues upward.
Required level: -
Required constructions: -
Labyrinth allows you to recruit from 6 tamed minotaurs upward.
Required level: 3
g800 w1 o1
Required constructions: -
These market rows allow to post up to 3 lots on the common market.
Required level: 3
g500 w5
Required constructions: -
Increases inventory capacity by 5 items.
Required level: 4
g2,000 w10 o5
Required constructions: -
Dark pasture
This pasture allows you to recruit from 4 lizard cavalry upward.
Required level: 5
g5,000 m10
Required constructions: Labyrinth
Magic Guild level 1
Chaos and Darkness Magic schools: Magic arrow, Delay, Curse.
Required level: 5
g5,000 w5 o5 m3 s3 c3 g3
Required constructions: -
The workshop for repairing and modifying artifacts.
Required level: 6
g5,000 o5
Required constructions: -
Fort walls provide defense for your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 25%.
Required level: 7
g20,000 w20 o20
Required constructions: -
Hydra cave
The cave allows to recruit from 3 hydras upward.
Required level: 8
g20,000w 20o 20c20
Required constructions: Dark pasture
Magic Guild level 2
Chaos and Darkness Magic schools: Ice clod, Lightning, Disruption ray, Poison.
Required level: 8
g5,000 w20 o20 m12 s12 c12 g12
Required constructions: Magic Guild level 1
Magic Guild level 3
Chaos and Darkness magic schools: Ice Ring, Fireball, Confusion, Weakness.
Required level: 10
g5,000 w30 o30 m20 s20 c20 g20
Required constructions: Magic Guild level 2
Twilight hall
Twilight hall allows to recruit from 2 dark witches upward.
Required level: 11
g25,000 w20 o20
m20 s20 c20 g20
Required constructions: -
Citadel walls grant additional defense to your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 50%.
Required level: 12
g80,000 w40 o40
Required constructions: Fort
Spire of Darkness
Provides dwelling for 1 twilight dragon upwards, available for recruiting.
Required level: 14
g70,000 o200 m100 c100
Required constructions: Twilight hall |
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