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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
demon :


Imp cauldron
Imp cauldron allows you to recruit from 16 imps upward.
Required level: -

Required constructions: -

Diabolic tower
Hell tower allows you to recruit from 15 demons upward.
Required level: -

Required constructions: -

Breed of Chaos
Breed of Chaos increases the recruit count of demons by 2.
Required level: 2
Required constructions: -

Infernal kennel
Infernal kennel allows you to recruit from 8 wolfhounds upward.
Required level: 3
g800 w1 o1
Required constructions: -

These market rows allow to post up to 3 lots on the common market.
Required level: 3
g500 w5
Required constructions: -

Increases inventory capacity by 5 items.
Required level: 4
g2,000 w10 o5
Required constructions: -

Temptation chambers
Temptation chambers allow you to recruit from 5 succubi upward.
Required level: 5
g3,000 w5 o5 m5 s5
Required constructions: Infernal kennel

Magic Guild level 1
Chaos and Darkness Magic schools: Magic arrow, Earthen spikes, Delay, Curse.
Required level: 5
g5,000 w5 o5 m3 s3 c3 g3
Required constructions: -

The workshop for repairing and modifying artifacts.
Required level: 6
g5,000 o5
Required constructions: -

Fort walls provide defense for your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 25%.
Required level: 7
g20,000 w20 o20
Required constructions: -

Hell stables
Hell stables allow you to recruit from 3 hell horses upward.
Required level: 8
g18,000 w10 o10 s10 g10
Required constructions: Temptation chambers

Magic Guild level 2
Chaos and Darkness Magic Schools: Ice clod, Lightning, Disruption ray, Poison.
Required level: 8
g5,000 w20 o20 m12 s12 c12 g12
Required constructions: Magic Guild level 1

Halls of terror
Halls of terror increase the hell horses recruit count by 1.
Required level: 9
Required constructions: Hell stables

Magic Guild level 3
Chaos and Darkness magic schools: Ice Ring, Fireball, Confusion, Weakness.
Required level: 10
g5,000 w30 o30 m20 s20 c20 g20
Required constructions: Magic Guild level 2

Blazing cleft
Blazing cleft allows you to recruit from 2 cave demons upward.
Required level: 11
g55,000 o20 m5 c5
Required constructions: -

Citadel walls grant additional defense to your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 50%.
Required level: 12
g80,000 w40 o40
Required constructions: Fort

Temple of Corruption
Summons from 1 devil upwards for recruiting.
Required level: 14
g50,000o200 m100 s50 c50 g50
Required constructions: Blazing cleft
Flood Flood Flood Flood Flood Flood
we r the best !!!!!!!!!!
ok thats all :P
Sleep time for me everyone, cya tomorrow, i got school first =() cant flood as much ='(
me too fr tmrw !! will go offline in 90 mins or 120 mins !!! :'(
Goodnight. I have school too tmr. And I'm sick. :(
ohh take care dude !!! rest well !! and good night !!
G'night. I have aimed that by Dec 2010 Ill have enough money for a TGI. I hope I have enough time to spend it..
i have aimed to not get full arts set and to become a millionaire in lvl 9 mostly possible !! so i will only MG most and a bit of ambush with tourneys ...
so i want to be a millionaire and i will be !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont care abt levelin up so sry fr all my lvl 9 frds !! i will miss yall !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do yall like Goku_30 ?!!! tnx for likin me or bein my fan or bein my fd !!!!
im nt showin off nw but i think im a bit famous in this game ...
i think!!!
i wanna kno ur opinions ?!!
im in top 5 of this tourney in necros !!!!! yeah !
Goku_30 sucks in GBs and duels !!
but rocks in ambushes and otherrs!!! xD
HI ALL.... I AM BACK.....
bye all im gonna go to sleep in 30 mins !!!
ok...lets start to flood flood flood and flood......
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