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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
kizzy first..
then after kizzy..i mail hewrin coz he was on..
and then gokui..then then forum^^
ohh k :D
so wazup ?
so wazup ?
No rain today;
loosing a lot roulette
need to return a lot loans

ohhh soo miss
Loan i have given:-
1) dreadlord3 - 25,000 gold
2) timurgeni - 56,000 gold
3) hozz - 4,000 gold
4) Hewrin - 40,000 gold

Loan i have taken:-
1) nosteramus - 20,000 gold
2) Goku_30 - 130,000 gold
3) JR-1 - 30,000 gold
Loan i have taken:-
1) nosteramus - 20,000 gold
2) Goku_30 - 130,000 gold
3) JR-1 - 30,000 gold

4) Kiz - 4,000,000 gold

my my !! if they repay the loans, it will good so u can win roulette !
4) Kiz - 4,000,000 gold
plz send^^
omg kizzy !!!

Roulette bets total: 1,213,456
Roulette winnings total: 723,078
Roulette bets total: 1,213,456
Roulette winnings total: 723,078

she was good in the beginning....but then luck finished
Roulette bets total: 1,213,456
Roulette winnings total: 723,078

Stop rubbing salt on my wounds. :(
ohhhh my luck just started then
ohhhh my luck just started then

Stop rubbing salt on my wounds. :(
-1 :p
im sry kizzy !!!

dnt worry !! there r other wayz to get rich !! ENROLL !!!!

and u r one heck of a player wit great fsp everywher and TG4 !!!
dnt worry !! there r other wayz to get rich !! ENROLL !!!!

and u r one heck of a player wit great fsp everywher and TG4 !!!
hehe :D
brb after lunch :D
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