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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
u kno it rite akshat ? i once enrolled like a crazy to get 400k to pay bak that big loan for my TGI !
and then i wanted to leave the game coz i lost 150k by loanin but i once worked hard and got a lot of money !! and i started the floodin career wher i met these grt friendz !!!!! and started roulette recently
hehhehe :D

dude he is nt even a mod ... so better ask a mod or arctic or admin :D
i dono..t.hey said no

ask arctic and some admins
all win
i lost(((
yea won again !!!!!!!!!
vepacha is rite sometimes

im sry fr u dude

u know how it feels?:((
i kno dude
especially when u r a pro and u lose :'(

im really sry fr u man
real sry !!!!
u were near damn !
again damn dude
omg when is 0 00 gna come out ?!?!/
never :p
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