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AuthorResult 2nd Blindfold Tournament
Need fought 20 battles to win? this is a joke???? So now tell me why were the percentages?
To recognize the best ones.. percentage didn't be necessary for victory.. You needed to fight as much as possible to gain more points than the others.
Wow, I finished in 8th place for Lvl9. Cool.
wow #9 for lvl 9..and first 25 place get paid..amazing
i have played 11 battles only and i am in 11 number for lvl 3
i could win the prize
this is not the final result yet - there some battles (like https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=485226944)
Was it ever stated that you had to play all 20 battles?
for Albertsen:
You don't have to play all 20. It's just that the winner is based on your score. You can win everyone on score without playing 20 games if you do very well
but if u wanna win a tournament u must play all 20 battles. Without them u have minimal chances... It should be based on percentages...
It should be based on percentages...

OK, somebody plays 1 battle, wins it and has 100% percentage, so he is guaranteed a tie at least, and then doesn't play anymore, right?
Did the prizes has been issued for this tournament?
#12 The prizes haven't been given out yet.

And yes, if it was after percentage, then you HAVE to play as few as poss to win.. therefore it shouldn't be based on percentages.
Yes i`m thinking as well it should be based on % (after - lets say 10 battles)
(after - lets say 10 battles)
when I was talkin' about % I had this on my mind^^ 10 battles should be required to get in to ranking and have a chance to win tournament
I'm just glad it's over. I'm surprised that I ended up as the top knight from WGW at my level. Congratulations to all the winners, even though there are multiple accusations that the tournament was staged by certain clans.
I had fun and got wicked xp and fsp so tourney was a success in my eyes. Still getting some prize money would be the icing on the cake :-)

In other words, more tourneys plz!
As far as the exp and fsp go, I agree with Rekkin. They were amazing. I can't wait for the next event, which is likely to be the war against the dwarves. The one thing that I did not like about this tournament, however, is that there was too much staging of battles and gang-banging for my liking. Some battles I enjoyed and had fun because they were well played and fair. Others... not so much.
Gratz to all the winners.. :) just a shame some of the top positions got decided when lack accured on lordswm.com :(


THat makes sense. Thanks. It is ofcause more resonable than percentages. I just misunderstood the post.

I also misread the end date. But it was never to be for me :-)
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