Author | new spells |
Spells for magic schools for level 4 and 5
1.Size down- cost 12 mana. Turns a large creature into a small creature. Duration spell
2.X2 – cost 15 mana. Doubles attack. Duration spell.
3.Dark Passion-cost 7 mana. Controls your opponent's next move
1.Size up-cost 12 mana, turns a small creature into a arge creature. Duration Spell
2.divide-cost 15 mana, divides your opponent's attack by 2. Duration spell
3.Fire-cost 10 mana. Sets a target for your opponent
1.Nature's spikes-cost 18 mana damages all opponents' stacks.
2.Apparitionation cost 10 mana adds incorperal ability. Duration spell
1.Airthen Spike- cost 8 mana deals air damage to 5 targets.
2.Death mark-cost 20 deal damage to all who step on the tile. Duration spell
3.Fire token-cost 9 mana summons a fire token every thing one, abilities:Immune to water and all damage is fire damage +1 spell power +1 stat.
4.Water token-cost 9 mana summons a Water token every thing one, abilities:Immune to fire and all damage is water damage +1 spell power +1 stat.
5.Fog- causes all other players not to be able to see what is currently going on. Can be cured by dispersion. Duration spell |
Good Idea
But all not to make wizard stronger though |
+1 |
+1 |
Here's what the Administration is preparing for players:
11. Introduce Magic schools of levels 4-5.
And the spells that will be introduced will be according to HOMM canon |
To powerfull... Caster will control very powerfull creature with just lost only 7 mana... Or maybe u should make a something which make a limit point to control...Or increase mana used...
3.Dark Passion-cost 7 mana. Controls your opponent's next move |
Adding more spells would make spellcasting factions stronger, and it's forbidden to suggest strengthening of individual factions. *barbarian frown* |
yea no fair for barb at least barb should get sime abilities not for mana but somethin cool barb should get somethin |
3.Dark Passion-cost 7 mana. Controls your opponent's next move
should be 70 mana or more or less |
These are way too powerful |
The spells are way too powerful and as Takesister has said
Here's what the Administration is preparing for players:
11. Introduce Magic schools of levels 4-5.
And the spells that will be introduced will be according to HOMM canon |
what about
grave rise-only for necromancer-rise all undead creature only cost 18 mana
rising-rise a friendly friend cost 12 mana
rise up-rise all u and your gang undead army cost 50 mana |
having way powerful magic is quite unfair. i would have said yes but like i said, it's unfair.and also, since you are thinking of new spells, why won't you suggest a guild for them? am i right? i think you should higher the cost by a bit, since they are WAY powerful.there won't be a point for fighting if a player with those powerful spells will always win you. |