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Authornew spells
Spells for magic schools for level 4 and 5


1.Size down- cost 12 mana. Turns a large creature into a small creature. Duration spell
2.X2 – cost 15 mana. Doubles attack. Duration spell.
3.Dark Passion-cost 7 mana. Controls your opponent's next move


1.Size up-cost 12 mana, turns a small creature into a arge creature. Duration Spell
2.divide-cost 15 mana, divides your opponent's attack by 2. Duration spell
3.Fire-cost 10 mana. Sets a target for your opponent

1.Nature's spikes-cost 18 mana damages all opponents' stacks.
2.Apparitionation cost 10 mana adds incorperal ability. Duration spell

1.Airthen Spike- cost 8 mana deals air damage to 5 targets.
2.Death mark-cost 20 deal damage to all who step on the tile. Duration spell
3.Fire token-cost 9 mana summons a fire token every thing one, abilities:Immune to water and all damage is fire damage +1 spell power +1 stat.
4.Water token-cost 9 mana summons a Water token every thing one, abilities:Immune to fire and all damage is water damage +1 spell power +1 stat.
5.Fog- causes all other players not to be able to see what is currently going on. Can be cured by dispersion. Duration spell

Good Idea

But all not to make wizard stronger though

Here's what the Administration is preparing for players:

11. Introduce Magic schools of levels 4-5.

And the spells that will be introduced will be according to HOMM canon
To powerfull... Caster will control very powerfull creature with just lost only 7 mana... Or maybe u should make a something which make a limit point to control...Or increase mana used...

3.Dark Passion-cost 7 mana. Controls your opponent's next move
Adding more spells would make spellcasting factions stronger, and it's forbidden to suggest strengthening of individual factions. *barbarian frown*
yea no fair for barb at least barb should get sime abilities not for mana but somethin cool barb should get somethin

3.Dark Passion-cost 7 mana. Controls your opponent's next move

should be 70 mana or more or less
These are way too powerful
The spells are way too powerful and as Takesister has said

Here's what the Administration is preparing for players:

11. Introduce Magic schools of levels 4-5.

And the spells that will be introduced will be according to HOMM canon
what about

grave rise-only for necromancer-rise all undead creature only cost 18 mana
rising-rise a friendly friend cost 12 mana
rise up-rise all u and your gang undead army cost 50 mana
having way powerful magic is quite unfair. i would have said yes but like i said, it's unfair.and also, since you are thinking of new spells, why won't you suggest a guild for them? am i right? i think you should higher the cost by a bit, since they are WAY powerful.there won't be a point for fighting if a player with those powerful spells will always win you.
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