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Authorbarrack Obama discussion thread
do u like him or not?

I hate him. he said stuff so he would get elected like...

said he would pull troops out of Iraq and he is sending more.

said he would limit government spending. he has made countless stimulas packages.

your thoughts?
i do not like him

he said stuff to get elected just like every other politician LOL they all suck

War makes money and war is a nessecary evil my friend

Are you serious you really belived he was going to spend less and make goverment smaller LOL he is a Minority and a democrate witht he ideas that GOVERMENT IS SUPPOSED TO RUN YOUR LIFE

all goverments have their good and bad side. American goverment right now and for about the past 3 presidents has been a roller coster ride and i doubt the next president will be any better.. not to mention i seriously doubt obama or any democrate will get president next term :P
for Gargoylerex: I didn't expect that he would. thats why I didn't vote for him. it pissess me off that all the other people did and now he's doing a horrible job
lol no point being pissed :P goverments and laws are always going to suck :P is why you have to find your nitch and avoid getting caught :P
me dont like
for Gargoylerex: pissed is kind of an overstatement. I'm just not happy. ur right though what has happened happened
Yeah. But the people who voted for him chose right.

Barrack Obama - The lesser of two evils.

I don't think anyone could possibly do as bad as Bush though.

Consider Obama a step up from Bush. (Even if you think it's only a small step ;)
said he would pull troops out of Iraq and he is sending more


he said pulling out and he is- cruddy choice- iraq and places are now only testing rockets to launch their nukes on- straight to the US

my dad is kind of a Republican leader type person-knows everything about politycs

HE SUCKS (Barack Hussein Obama)

Wasnt born in Us-mother not eligible for him to be pres. but the Mainstream Media doesnt Care

Hussein is a muslim name
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He is a Chicago thug and no more than that. The people who voted him in are the real dopes for believing his lies. Hope and change? LOL, yeah right. The rest of the world is pushing him around like a punk and I find it amusing.
I hate him. he said stuff so he would get elected like...

The very title of this thread added to this sentence are enough to let me lock it.

Please refrain from political discussions here, even in off-game forum.
closed by Lord Kotrin (2009-12-20 11:29:36)
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