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i recently reached lvl 6 so that means i might be ambushed

but first i need some questions answered:

1. If you have no troops, do you travel with monks?
2. If you travel with monks and you lose, does your troops ready mark go down to zero?
3. Do you lose gold if you travel with monks?
4. How many monks do you have?
5. What are some tips for me?
1. yes
2. no, even if you lose battling with your troops the ready mark doesn't drop
3. yes
4. as many as your combat level
5. depends what you want to do..avoid thieves by only travelling when troop ready levels are below 40%, defeat theives by wearing full/enchanted arts or save time by only travelling with minimal troops e.g. 1 orc
1# you will travel with monks
1) Yes
2) No, even if you travel with full troops, you won't drop to 0
3) Yes
4) Equal to your level
5) Fight well and play hard.
no, even if you lose battling with your troops the ready mark doesn't drop

so i lose, im still at 100%?
for Chance12:
closed by Lord Pantheon (2009-12-21 07:19:51)
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