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AuthorTrade & Services Forum question
I thought the T&S thread was not bound to the "bump" ruling that other sections fall under. Unless I was misinformed or there was a rule change I am not aware of I was banned unjustly. Please clarify the rules for the T&S section so we know what is legal. Thank you.

[>] [q] 70 2009-12-21 20:40:19

[Post deleted by moderator FaithBringer // 4.3. Flashmobs on our forums are forbidden. Flashmobs are events when a player or a group of players]
[Player banned by moderator FaithBringer until 2009-12-21 22:51:12 // 4.3. Flashmobs on our forums are forbidden. Flashmobs are events when a player or a group of players post multiple messa
I noticed two mods answer questions after this post. Do not ignore this thread. If the business section of the forum falls under the flashmob rule, then certainly the flooding thread "That time of year again" falls under this also. We want consistant rulings. The old explanation of the "sandbox" thread does not hold water and if we, under the T&S section are being banned, I want action taken to shut the flood threads down under the same rule. Unless it is written that the off-game section is not under the forum rules, I want equal treatment of those threads.

Author Forum improvements + blood
Administration 1 2008-09-29 02:00:05

Dear players,

Today we would like to announce improvements on HWM forum. From now on:
• Topics can be closed by the topic starter, except those created in "Complaints and applications"
• Moderated topics get the stamps, informing you: who closed the topic or moved it, where to and where from.
• In case of a moved topic, the author gets the notification automatically via private mail.
• In-game hyperlinks are now active and clickable.
• "Time-to-live" has been introduced for forum threads - i.e. topics won't bump if it hasn't been changed for the last X days.
• Trade forum has undergone slight changes and got a more organized structure.
• Topics in Trade forum cannot be bumped if they are not older than 1 hour.

We hope these changes will not only make your forum communication more comfortable but enhance your gaming experience as well.

By the way - there's a bonus for those who wish to add some "real battlefield" flavour for their skirmishes. Check your Personal settings for the new option and make sure you're at least 13 years old.

The Admin set up a built in halt to bumping threads in the Trade forum. This tells us that Faithbringer, who seems to be the only mod banning people in that section, is acting above his pay grade. I was banned for a post 8 hours in between the one above it. Because ADMIN has already set the limits, I see no need for a zealous mod to harrass the business section of the forum.
If then, in that case, you knowingly believed the Moderator involved to be in the wrong, you are expected to take the necessary steps as detailed in the "about the game section".

5.2. A moderator can be wrong. If you suspect he or she is, c.f. par.1.5.

That means if you wish to lay a complaint about the specific moderator's actions, you send a message to Secretary.

You have every right to ask your question to have it clarified, but by posting this in here, This tells us that Faithbringer, who seems to be the only mod banning people in that section, is acting above his pay grade. I was banned for a post 8 hours in between the one above it. Because ADMIN has already set the limits, I see no need for a zealous mod to harrass the business section of the forum. , is disrespectful and doesn't comply with the rules, which, as I stated above, If you believe a moderator's actions to be wrong, contact secretary.
It would be helpful if you wrote the thread name here.

for a zealous mod to harrass the business section of the forum.
Did you try filling proper complaint through Secretary(or directly to Arctic?) or perhaps spoke with Faithbringer about his reasons? Because this above is a strong statement to make..
It would be helpful if you wrote the thread name here.

73 bumps in 26 days
Yes I wrote to Faithbringer and got an answer that said my thread fell under this ruling. How is this any stronger than the silence the forum ban I received? I beg to differ. If any other mod has banned the T&S section for this then I am wrong but as far as I have seen it is only this single moderator. It is obvious that my post #3 is correct and relevant and we will not go back to the Dark Ages days where the wagons are circled. Multiple players have fallen under this ban and we need a public statement spelling out the rules.
for Sven91:

As stated above, admin has an in-game bump halt of an hour. Admin would have placed a longer halt if they thought it was needed. And the "this time of year again" thread? No comment there? hmm
for Sven91:
73 bumps in 26 days


As compared to 160 bumps in just over 30 days? Comments? Uh huh.
Modi. You already know the answer to this question before you posted it.

Yes, perhaps the ban was a mistake.
Yes, perhaps the ban was an attack on you and these other players by the moderator.

As far as you and I both know, the rules have not changed for the trade forums, and the ban IS A MISTAKE.

You have already been given an answer on how to deal with this Moderator's actions, and you now been given the answer to your query.
for Dizbe:

Excuse me but are you a moderator? I must have missed something.
This is not a one time mistake. It has been done to at least 3 others in the section and it needs clarification, not by you, but by the moderators. Now if you have nothing more to add, please stop. NOBODY likes to be silenced unjustly, including me. The others who were banned are also not happy about it. I wrote this for a clarification on the ruling and I want it public so we all know what is acceptable. If you think that is unreasonable, it's your problem.
As compared to 160 bumps in just over 30 days? Comments? Uh huh.
I just gave the link and a fact.
Did you hear me saying that Faithbringer did the correct thing? Did you hear me saying that you are flooding?
And you also dont need to send me a message when I dont respond after 6 seconds, I was in a battle and cant do 10 things at the same time.
How things work: There are no official guidelines for mods on banning. So there we have different mods, with different personalities and understanding of rules. There is a chance you might not be banned by Takesister or Zyanya for this, but you were by Faithbringer. For us there is no way to judge other mods actions, its up to higher autorithies. Thats why we are back at writing Arctic.

Because we can scream all we want, its "unfair", "abuse", but the fact is that only administration can decide about this and act(publish rules for mods, change forum rules or contact particular mod about his/her mistakes)

"This time of year again" thread- As I see it, off-game forum users are free from bumping and flood rules for most mods. It is just a place where flooders can roam freely to stay out of main forums.
How things work: There are no official guidelines for mods on banning. So there we have different mods, with different personalities and understanding of rules. There is a chance you might not be banned by Takesister or Zyanya for this, but you were by Faithbringer. For us there is no way to judge other mods actions, its up to higher autorithies. Thats why we are back at writing Arctic.

Because we can scream all we want, its "unfair", "abuse", but the fact is that only administration can decide about this and act(publish rules for mods, change forum rules or contact particular mod about his/her mistakes)

"This time of year again" thread- As I see it, off-game forum users are free from bumping and flood rules for most mods. It is just a place where flooders can roam freely to stay out of main forums.

This is an unworkable system! I posted in #3 a valid argument as a reason why this moderator is out of line. Instead of covering for other mods, the group should choose ONE position and stand by it and act as a unit. It isn't that difficult to set ground rules. You do it as they come up. I could set things in order there in a few days. All it takes is some ambition and desire to get it right.
Excuse me but are you a moderator? I must have missed something.

It would be nice if you werent bullying Dizbe for not being a mod. His opinion and info he posted is as revelant as any other.

Now if you have nothing more to add, please stop. NOBODY likes to be silenced unjustly,..

There is a good one: Without being personal = on topic.
Excuse me but are you a moderator? I must have missed something.

It would be nice if you werent bullying Dizbe for not being a mod. His opinion and info he posted is as revelant as any other.

Now if you have nothing more to add, please stop. NOBODY likes to be silenced unjustly,..

There is a good one: Without being personal = on topic.

I can see we are getting nowhere here. Same old same old. Have some guts and take a position please.
Have some guts and take a position please.

Perhaps there is something wrong here Modi. What position are we supposed to take?, YOUR position?

I have posted my position, in which it was a wrong-doing by the moderator, so the rules have not changed.

Omega posted his position, which might seem to you unworkable, but I don't suppose it would do you any good to complain about it here.

We did take a position, and somehow you seemed to miss them, or would rather see us taking your stance.
Post 14: I agree it is a slightly flawed system. In most cases it works anyway, but I was pretty dizzy when I got the buttons without strict specifications on how to use them. But once again, its not up to mods to change the rules or the system, its up to admins, and there we are again about contacting Arctic or Secretary. Stuck in a loop..

Also the system is not as flawed as it seems, it just gives some place for mods decision and common sense above all. If you wish to compose complex guidelines for mods on banning terms in each section, they might not work very well too.

Also, there already are rules how mods should behave, forum rules, local forum rules and 2 helpful guidelines on banning times for orientation. I dont know if any additional system would help. If this was a mistake by one particular mod, we are back at contacting secretary. I dont think 15 minute ban was a silencing, abuse or secret plot against you.
Have some guts and take a position please.

Perhaps there is something wrong here Modi. What position are we supposed to take?, YOUR position?

I have posted my position, in which it was a wrong-doing by the moderator, so the rules have not changed.

Omega posted his position, which might seem to you unworkable, but I don't suppose it would do you any good to complain about it here.

We did take a position, and somehow you seemed to miss them, or would rather see us taking your stance.

I dont care about your position. YOU dont have the power to ban me. LOL. Just as in the old clan bumping thread, leaving this to each moderator to do as they please is wrong and that thread was viewed by Arctic and he agreed that a clarification was needed, not the answers we were given. Do we need to run to Arctic or can't the mods work as a unit on these issues and act as one? What is stopping the mods from formulating there own rules to work by? Don't you think that is what should be done? This system is like a kangaroo court.
Also, there already are rules how mods should behave, forum rules, local forum rules and 2 helpful guidelines on banning times for orientation. I dont know if any additional system would help. If this was a mistake by one particular mod, we are back at contacting secretary. I dont think 15 minute ban was a silencing, abuse or secret plot against you.

Dont place words in my mouth. No place did I even imply this was all about me.I have mentioned twice that I am not the only one to fall under this ban. Please do not add ridiculous points to my valid argument that are not needed.
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