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AuthorRedundant trinket competition
Well this is meant for fun... not a real competition but if anybody wants to contribute something to winner I won't stop you.

So as we are breaking Christmas seals each of us got unique combination to achieve. Some got a lot of stars to collect, other lanterns and so on.

So while fighting and collecting trinkets a lot of us came to redundant trinkets. Who collected more? Whose odds were worst?
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Off-game forum".
14 Snowflakes, 6 Trees, 2 Stars here
13 stars 9 tree 9 lantern
Seems like either I made totally uninteresting thread or this is only for elite warriors. :P

Looks like trinket collecting is still going on and so far I still need 4 lanterns to complete opening all seals. So my redundant trinkets so far are:

6 Snowflakes, 8 Trees, 9 Stars

Up to now... marked_one is steady in the lead.
i had...0 redundant trinkets ^^
excactly the good number of each.
12 lantern, 12 fir-tree, 8 snowflakes. :D
14 stars
21 latern
8 tree
43 more than needed
I have zero redundant ones, but that's probably cuz I only opened 2 vaults ^^
i had...0 redundant trinkets ^^
excactly the good number of each.

wow, lucky!

I got 12 extra total, not bad compared to some people here :)
14 lanterns 11 stars 9 snowflakes and 0 trees
32 snowflakes 1 star and 12 laterns. Trees were haer to come by.Took me foreer to get the 1 fir tree I needed .
Queen_Amanda in lead with 45, Khellendros just one trinket behind, marked_one 3rd with 31, me 4th one trinket behind (and in need of just one lantern to open last vault)...

Let me hear others speak now.
My girlfriend yony23 had 22 extra trinkets, 6 stars, 8 lanterns and 8 trees.
16 stars
5 lanterns
5 trees
and still going....
3 stars, 17 lanterns, 7 snowflakes extra
And still need 3 fir-trees. Haven't got a fir tree in almost 50 wins now :(
16 stars, 17 fir-trees, 4 snowflakes
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