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Mini Top
1. Lords of War and Money 12
2. SpacePhobia 11
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This month we can also vote on the mini list as well as the main list.

For instructions on how check out last page
Also for those of you interested in getting a picture like the other games, I've asked the secretary if they wanted to do it. Whenever I hear something I'll post it here.
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This month we can also vote on the mini list as well as the main list.

For instructions on how check out last page
At friends house playin some Magic. Brought lap top with me so I could use his IP to vote. Hahaa, tech point +1
smiles are infectious, pass it on :)

+ so are pluses :D
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alright, excellent first 2 weeks. We are at 51 already :D
At this rate we should totally break 100 which hasn't been done for as long as I can remember...yup, still can't remember seeing it that high, haha.

Well hope your all having a great day. Off to play some kickball, then magic and then....BEER!! lol. cheers

alrighty, time for another +

mmmmm, spaghetti-o's!!!

oh yeah, +
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