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AuthorHow addicted are you to LordsWM??
I know that all of us love this game and had done many things.
Please tell us your story about 'what you have done' related to this game.

I will start with myself.

1. Made an advertisement about this game in local forum and Facebook
(I have 53 players in my invitation program)

2. Made 2 Clan Forums website

3. Made some Avatars (for me and some other players)

4. Consulting few players for FREE
FREE = without monthly Salary :))

5. Made an Excel File contains of All Area, Factories, required raw material, and their output
(complete with price)

5. Made an Excel File and calculate every Arts cost / battle
(complete with picture)

6. Made a very simple program to remind me of the Workaholic penalty
(complete with led color GREEN, YELLOW and RED, and how many enrollments left before I start getting a penalty) - Auto Save.

What are yours?
oops sorry.. wrong numbering.

There are 2 of #5. It should be #5, #6 and #7
=) I have done at least one of these.
Made a spreadsheet to calculate all castle costs, protected it, and made cell verification, no matter who I give it to it's idiot proof (or at least it cant be broken), all they have to do is put either "Built, Yes, No, Diamonds" into the box (it even makes a dropdown box so they dont even have to type) and will sum up total gold required for the constructions (gold + buying resources), will also sum up the cost including resources (tells you how many of what resources you need, and how much gold after you've acquired these resources). Hyperlinks to all creature buildings also.

Made a spreadsheet calculating how much every art possible to be bought from the art shop costs from both the art shop, and where available from the map, then uses a function to tell you where it is cheaper to purchase the artifact from.

Even edited the legal scripts myself (with no knowledge of scripting in any form), just so it makes my lords look sleeker (battlelog shows pvp/event fights in blue instead of horrible brown, and was the first person with a working version of map move incorporating seraphs tear to my knowledge)
oh I also designed one for enchanting, but since they changed it to a non-linear format I've neglected to update that, seeing as there are now so many variables it seems like too much of a hassle to make a spreadsheet, seems much more efficient to just work it out each time I'm looking at getting new enchants than make a whole spreadsheet
so far..

Bought diamonds at lvl 11(if that counts).

Made a spreadsheer about dwarfs,I mean detailed dwarf FAQ for clan use.

Made and maintained a clan site for a year (That'll keep them happy -.- )
Set up a spreadsheet to detail the cost of every battle I was making, against all the hours I was working and the wages I was earning, to make sure I was making a set target each month. (Had to stop this.. got too nit-picky :P )

i invite my frnds and sometimes i get up and play at midnight!
I used spreadsheet to calculate the cost to buy new set of arts (as in dump in the prices and let it calculate)... Does that counts :D?
i go to my friends house and we get food and he turns on the comp and plays lordswm wile i watch tv and we take shifts lol we only leave room to restock on food use the bathroom and let dogs in and out from outside
atleast we used to but he quit game on his person
I havent done any of this good stuff, i just play lwm 8-24 hours a day :P
for Decrous:

I havent done any of this good stuff...

Really? I remember that you have some screen captures of all faction's castle, right? :)
And I'm sure that Decrous has several guides to Lords on youtube... rofl
for Decrous:

Stop lying, you are playing 8-32 hours a day :)
this old post about addiction in Lordswm says it all
the most funny post in lordswm history

That thread was meant as jokes. This one is not :)
well while the subject is on how addicted to this game we are, why not check out the thread called Links of Support and show your appreciation for this game.

It will help advertise us and expand the game we all love and play! :)
I think I will call addicted anyone that sees this option "clickable":

Conceal the exchange of diamonds for gold in transfer log Option available only for characters who have donated above 1000 diamonds
sorry guys i think kotrin might win this one.he spwnds his own money to maintain awebsite for warriors-guild, manages 2 clans one of them the biggest in lordswm history, when he started up the clans he bought Tgi so that he had one to rent out to members, he's a moderator...

Thanks Kotrin!
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