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AuthorAbout the blindfold battles
@Dan-Panic: Yeah, I didn't understand EFO battle, in fact i finished 4th in the last tournament.
And you didn't understand what i was meaning: he did well teaming with the strongest to have a better chance of a good place. Game prizes also the second place, you should know it.
Better to be a second loser than a last loser, talking about fsp and experience points.
for Luckas:

Read post 12 :)
I read it, but since IT'S NOT LIKE IT NOW, it's better to try to get a good position, instead of try to win at all costs. We are fighting real battles, not fairy tales.

@Korzika: in Italy we have a word which coincide with lion final letters. Find it. (Ps: the italian word for lion is "leone", find the word that coincide with him and you will have a good definition of what I am thinking about you after your posts).

i have no idea what are you blathering about, but i am sure it is not very nice.

in fact i finished 4th in the last tournament

i think that some dude that finished 1st on level 11 had even better strategy than you. are you gonna brag about your success in blindfold? i watched your battles - "spare the clan mate" type of strategy did alright for you, i guess.
for Luckas:

LoL, thats exactly not true. Its a game, Fantasy game, suppose to Roleplay it, so FAIRY tales your battle :D
for Luckas:

In fact, I think you guys take it WAY too seriously this game. Thats why you dont play to win, but to get the best possible position. Well its sad, cause its a game, to have fun, for EVERYONE. :D Think about it.
@Korzika: it's something like rat, that word. So it's something like the words you were blatering before.

Yeah, for sure, it's always all a matter of luck. And yeah, I always helped my clanmates, for sure. Maybe you looked only at some of my battles, otherwise you would know that i killed/was killed by 4 of my mates. Bad infos are always the worst thing when you are trying to argue with someone.

@Dan-Panic: I'm talking about facts, and you know it. And this is not the game to roleplay about, I think...
Dan-Panic, it's not a question to take it seriously or not, we are talking about facts. Being insulted is not very nice, SO I'm trying to explain everyone why some people acts like MrNice did. It's not related to me or to others, it's a thing related to the whole server.

But as i wrote in my first message, good players understood what i was meaning. Others... well, you know it.

It is for me. I don't play to win. I play to place as high as I can. Which might be first. Or it might be 4th, or 2nd, or 5th, or 3rd or 6th. It's whatever I can get. I don't care if the elf wins! If I try to team with someone else against a 3rd stronger threat, they could feel the 3rd was attacking them out first, so the backstab me to try and place higher. I'm not up to take that risk. Attack the weakest, run from the strongest. Call it cowardice if you want, but then you might as well yell at wizards for running away with their gargoyles. It's strategy. Play to win if you want. I don't.
for Xerfer:

Thats exactly WHY, it needs to be changed :D

The winner takes all.

That's exctly WHAT i was talking about. Fight to win at all costs in this type of battle is not a right thing to do, in my opinion.
Real facts, as i said, not fairy tales :P
Funny thread.
for Xerfer:
You said that example with elf like elfs win is a miracle if that is true, believe me elf chance to win a battle is same as yours especially in efo where wins tactic and hope that you will not be eliminated first by other players. And what can i say about this topic, as i remember last fights who shoots first to someone so that guy who was hitted first he was shooted by all the rest 5players so where is justice then? As you talking that some two guys killed others together, so this is only tactic
hiddenshadow, I dn't understan what is funny here, really. Enlight me, please :)

Agreewith you, it's only a matter of tactic. But to insult somene becasue he played with it is very funny, indeed.
TasKurPavaro, the second part of my message is related to you :)
Go ahead and close this thread Luckas. There's no point in discussing. I watched the battle, MrNiceguy what u did was tactically reasonable, if i was a barb i would smack the wizard first too. Play the game as it is, blindfold is precisely what it is. We don't play this game for fame or to be angel. Report the battle for insult and have keeper take care of it. If they want to report, they should report and have keeper taking care of it as well. that's all i have to say. I don't like blindfold either. But if i play then i have to accept for what it is, i used to die without even make a single move. Ignore the whinners and play for yourself. The world is full of those, we don't need anymore.
Oh enough already with this topic. The blindfold tournament has been talked to death. Everyone for oneself battles are no more fair then the blindfold tournament. Any EFO battle that is created should have the disclaimer...

CAUTION if you join this battle you will more than likely get teamed up on.

It could be friends that arent in a clan or, clan mates.

And anyone that joins a EFO battle with a clan mate stop defending yourself. So you didnt attack your clan mate, it is what it is, stop trying to say that you really didnt know and it just so happened that you didnt attack each other. It is not against the rules to do so, but that doesnt mean that the people you do it against are going to like it. Many people view it as low down and unfair.

Against the rules no, but as many have voiced about this behavior already, many people think it is bad sportsmanship. Continue to do it if you like, but stop with the attitude that your just better than those that dont do it and they have nothing to complain about. Take responsibility for your actions, after all they are not against the rules. When someone makes insults warn them, and if they continue report them.

This message is not directed at anyone in particular but at the "tactic" of people who know each other joining forces in EFO battles, and then getting upset at those who call them on it.

All I meant by "the elf" was that I don't care if the strongest guy wins being an elf, necro, wiz, barb, knight; it makes no difference. I'm just saying I don't care who wins, I'm just trying to get the best I can.
Quote: "No, you dont actually understand, everyone for self is not about getting the best place possible and leaving the strongest player to win."

I partly disagree. As in the blindfold-tournament there are situations where one - with the slightest glimpse of common sense - has no chance to be first/second/third/fourth... but maybe can kick out those one or two or three more players.
It is the better and correct choice here, in my opinion, to simply cede chances to the higher place (which would need all the others to ignore one and act stupidly in general) and secure the one-better-but-not-best place. Better a secure 3rd then an off-chance on 1st with real danger of 6th. And actually you see this always: if two players are on their last breath, they will generally try kicking out each other; they now fight for the one better place. Attacking the strongest in that situation... not really too clever on a personal level.

I agree that in EFO at the start everyone should be out for winning;
I disagree that the aim should stay rank one for the whole fight. This "demand" strikes me as demanding to be tactically unaware; which I hold to be quite silly.
for DerMagus:

Why everyone show me the exact really example I need to for instauring the change in Blindfold and EFO ?

Change. The survivor takes all
Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth place get sloppy xp and fsp.

See, Ive fixed all the problem.
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