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AuthorHelp. Me game is looping my last battle every time I login
What do I have to do ?!?!?

Help !!

Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Technical support".
every time i log in, last battle is opening............plz help
r u postiong with multi?
No, they're stuck. Probably just says "Offline" when they're offline, and in combat when online.
I have the exact same issue.
Tried accessing from various system, cleared all locally stored data from browsers.

When I log, the battle screen opens immidietly and there is one automatic move.
Then it shows Battle over, if I click antything the battle reloads to previous state.
I'm not able to play at all :(
I have same thing it's still relay my last combat with mobs plz help remove the bug or put any battun for it plz :'( :S:S:S:S
i am also stucked
Y have low level char, if y open new, y have very soon the same lvl. I know, this is not idealy, but will be work
I have the same problem. My mobs battle keeps looping back when I clicked " Return to Game."
Can the game admin help??
I think admin should make 3 minutes timer in hunting instead of no timer.

And never auto back to combat if press character page and only automatical to cmbat when press duel
What do you mean??

Problem not solved.
I cannot play my game..... :(
I have this problem:/
Seems that no one monitors this forum, nor our problems.
Well maby jus to blocked the users whose patience run out, good thing that I did not donate for the game.
Still cannot play the game after few hours.....
i have problem :
every time i log in last battle is opening (again and again and again) ;-/
help me please
Another one:

It seems that those who clicked the blindfolded battles by accident like me, all have the same problem and it is kinda taking too long to fix the problem.... :(
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