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Yet now i didnt recieve my bonus skills points properly

AuthorYet now i didnt recieve my bonus skills points properly
i received only +2 attack and +1 De fence

but, actually i had to received +4 attack , +2 Defence and +2% initiative points

Please please solve this problem as soon as possible
Bonuses from faction skill levels don't show up on character screen. They are only given to troops.

+2 Atk and +1 Def you have are HG and LG bonuses.
yes Huntress u r right....
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
Also, I suggest that you upgrade your Farmers to recruit ASAP. That's one of the most important upgrades for a Knight.
Your character does not enjoy the faction skill level bonuses, only the creatures do. The reason is simple: You can switch the faction, and the bonuses of that faction skill level should count in that case.

Creatures of your current faction feature the bonus of that faction's skill level. You can witness this fact in any combat, as well as at the Recruiting page.

beyond that you will also receive the +2 Atk +1 Def as guild bonuses.
For full reference, look here.
closed by BlackStones (2010-01-17 14:32:32)
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