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Authorlooting Thief arts
I think u should loot thief arts just like u can loot hunter arts

it would be same formula:

2+* (Thief guild level)

Not a good idea.
Even level 1's could loot Thief arts at this rate. :O

2+* (Thief guild level)

1/50 chance simplified.
1/50 chance simplified.

I believe 2+1/100 is 3/100 not 2/100 or 1/50.
there would be alot more thiefing i kinda like it
wulf, u arent even LVL 5!!!

y r u posting in a required lvl 6 idea?
Don't like it... would reduce the price of thief arts... which is practically the whole reason for thieving other than initiative.. thieves need the money from the arts to support them. -1
i dont like it myself.
thieving is very expensive. and you need those view arts you get for getting new gold for new arts.
if there are droping more with random drop chance, prieces will go down.
I don't like this because the chance is too high and thief art prices would drop. Unlike hunting arts thief arts are out of 60 durability so they last a lot longer especially when factoring in repairs.

But to support more thieving like sjb50, I would instead modify this idea to:
Thief guild level - 4

Why? Chances are low enough and would give high TG players something to do. I picked TG5 only because now that's where you get your TGI.
1/50 chance simplified.

I believe 2+1/100 is 3/100 not 2/100 or 1/50.

2+* (Thief guild level)
If I'm correct, 2+* (Which is the Thief Guild Level) ,I have none so it would be considered as 2+0(TGL), 1/50 simplified for users with 0 TG Level.

Anyways, if this were to be implanted into the system, yes, thief art prices would drop, thieving is very expensive. , and thief arts are out of 60 durability so they last a lot longer especially when factoring in repairs. The new TGI level required to receive another TGI is quite reasonable; so that you wouldn't make tons of money off 2 TGI's, similar to the past. Now, if we were to loot thief arts, everyone could receive them, majority would be happy, but TA sellers wouldn't be glad. I, myself, would like to loot TA's, but having this request implanted would leave this server in chaos. Possibly more Illegal Transfers.
2+* (Thief guild level)
The formula itself is not standing in the first place.. What is 2+*x, two plus times x, supposed to equal?

wulf, u arent even LVL 5!!!

y r u posting in a required lvl 6 idea?

Chance12, you arent even knowledgeable enough to use formulas!!!

y r u making a required formula idea?
After I sold my thief arts +1 else -1.

On a serious note... they are rare items for a reason >.>
very bad idea
just one more point, why i am against it.
as wizzard its not that easy to thieve. i can win thieving only with max arts.
and now, if thieving arts would be more common, i couldnt beat anymore anyother thieve, if all travel with full thieve arts.
with high moral, initiative and more damage, i wouldnt get enough hero turns to win.
so wizzard would be again more weak.
and serious, at the moment wizzard is only strong in mg and a little bit in thieving. so dont take away our last good points...
it will be better to have 1% chance to loot a thief artefact in each combat with a player....so that wont happen many times...
it will be better to have 1% chance to loot a thief artefact in each combat with a player

Even 1% can lead to a lv1 attaining a thief artifact.

On a serious note... they are rare items for a reason >.>
very bad idea
bad idea
Even 1% can lead to a lv1 attaining a thief artifact.

if they were loot able... its only after defeating a caravan ofcourse.....
so how is a level 1 player supposed to do that?
lv 1 thief guild...i hues he wnats to mean this
lv 1 thief guild...i hues he wnats to mean this

If he means lv. 1 thieves guild or lv. 1 character, either way he isn't making ANY sense because

1. lv.1's can't join the thieves guild
and 2. Not a good idea.
Even level 1's could loot Thief arts at this rate. :O

2+* (Thief guild level)

1/50 chance simplified.

He tried to prove me wrong by saying: If I'm correct, 2+* (Which is the Thief Guild Level) ,I have none so it would be considered as 2+0(TGL), 1/50 simplified for users with 0 TG Level.

He's twisting his own words and confusing others.

Anyways, I think this is a bad idea.
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