Author | How leave fight ? |
Hi i have problem im almost at 7 lvl but i want be at 6 becouse i want pass all attemps in tournament but i forget i have merc quest bring cargo somewhere and I change location, then the fight has begin :(. So my question is how leave this fight and get 0 xp ? I know if I win or lose i will get lvl up :/
Any ideas ? |
You can't. But I remember that I did not level last time I did a cargo quest, so maybe you won't either. Probably you'll be able to finish your attempts in the tourney. |
i dont think so.... he will lvl up cuz have +/- if he get even 1 xp he will lvl up :/
Dark you have won this carco ? maybe you remember ? |
haha cool i lost this cargo and didnt get lvl up =) ok thx for helping ;) |
Someone said somewhere that you do not level up when ambushed (which is what an escort battle is) as you do not plan to fight ambushes in general. If you create the ambush then this is probably a different situation.
I am not sure how true this is but the fact you did not level up even though you fought battle would tend to add validity to this. |
I don't know about all this other stuff, but how the heck do I leave a battle BEFORE it starts?
I accidentally clicked join and it won't let me out! Even logging out did nothing... |
for Velardesk:
You can't, unless its a blindfold you joined. |