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Authorjoin a clan?
this guy just wrote me and asked for 700 gold if i want to join his clan, is this a scam or is that the way?
is this a scam or is that the way?

Maybe. but you have to pay money to join any clan.
If he is a recruiter for the clan he asks you to join, then it probably isn't a scam.
To send an inviation to a clan it costs 500gp. So MOST clans require you to pay that fee upfront. THis guys is also asking for 200 more...not uncommon.

First, though, you should see if you want to join that clan. There are quite a few too choose from and you have the option to join or not to join.

P.S. Make sure he has a clan and that he is either the leader or recruitor for that clan first before sending him money.
First of all you must be at least lv 5 to get invited into a clan :P
then if u pay him he must invite you
if not he will be finned for double the amoung of gold you sended him if he don't return you the money :)
First of all you must be at least lv 5 to get invited into a clan
oh, so I'll wait, i see it's not a scam then as he is a recruiter, but i'm still level 4 so maybe ill wait for more invites and check them out, where does one check clans? any good ones worth joining?
look here for clan: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_thread.php?id=115

Joining a clan though is an important decision.

You should look at the clan's profile page and see what benefits you get from being a member.

You should look at the other members. Is it a respected clan or is it full of cheats? Being a member will reflect on you in either a positive or a negative way.

Do they have any weekly taxes you are required to pay?

Best not to rush into it but to check out the clans you like and mail the recruiters and ask them any questions you have before applying.
weekly taxes? and what are those used for?
weekly taxes? and what are those used for?

Cheating in majority of cases! xD

They can be used as prizes in an inter-clan tournament.
Or for any purpose that in-directly related to the whole of it's members.

If it is used for personal benefits then you can call that as cheating.
hahaha i see! i don't see many benefits joining a clan then, at least until i hear about a trustworthy one... thanks a lot all!
Clan's can have many benefits.

Most have their own enchanters and smiths who offer some sort of discount, deals or priority service to other members.

Many clans have policies and ethos regarding game rules & afking etc. You have a private clan chat channel and can usually easily arrange good and dependable partners to fight beside you in GBs or hunt assistance.

Many clans also have interesting events and also people in place to give help and advice to newer players.

Some clans have a clan inventory of artifacts (both normal and hunter, MH, GH & Thief Sets available for rental).

Consider a good clan as a family where everyone sticks together and helps each other.

There are also two types of clans, normal ones and MC (Military Clans). MC's usually always have a better member list, services and clan benefits (but cost more to join), there are also promised future events and prizes which will only be for MC members.

To check out a few MC's just look for the little icons beside some peoples names (like mine and the people who posted at #3 & #5). Clicking this icon will take you to the clan page.

As i said before though. Choosing the right clan is an important decision and there is no need to rush it. You need to wait until level 5 at least anyway.

Better to be in 1 good clan than many poor ones!
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