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team MG quests

Authorteam MG quests
like in WOW?

would it be awesome if 2, 3 or even more players can fight against an amy/caravan/monster together? they need to form a team first and be at the quest place together to play. they can charge some gold even for forming a team/raid. and add some really nice awards/drops, too.
an easier-to-implement version would be asking for assitance in MG quests.
How about cargo delivery?

It would make it way to easy to complete mercs
By lvl7 almost all of them are easy to do
Anyway, Mercenaries work alone.

Good idea, as long as the Quests are proportionally made harder with the number of players. So, if 3 join on the quest, than it should be 3 times as hard. Also, there should be no gold penalty, just a distribution of exp. and fsp.
This really would have helped me a while back, when I had a Behemoths monster with over 7K health. :P

More 'multiplayer' opportunity -> more fun

Especially useful since MQ-s are getting almost impossible even in full arts after a while...
has been brought up more than once and still +
TC better look for other ideas like these and get them altogether, because at current state the idea is empty :)
support -- More 'multiplayer' opportunity -> more fun

also war clans can compete for the honor of completing highest MG or special quests, like fisrt in killing a dragon boss, or defeating the invading burning crusade army from hell. . .
it is all about human reaction, when it comes to online games.

we already have group pvp, although bigger scale pvp like clan wars would be very welcome.

what's missing is group pve, this is even more important and exciting: you fight shoulder by shoulder with your friends/guildmates/fellow soldiers. and you get rewarded. something like recognition points which you can later on exchange for a specific set of arts (each piece worth a certain # of points).

they can start with implemmenting daily team quests, weekend adventures, etc. if you finish daily quest you get a point, after a month you can exchange for a nice pendant or sword.
+1. I like the idea.
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