From Warriors' Guild Wrath homepage:
What are the known details of military clans.
• A player may be member of up to ONE Military Clan.
• Clan members have an icon showing their loyalty in various game areas.
• In the list of clans a player is member of, the Military Clan appears above others.
• Members of a given Military Clan can't ambush one another.
• Military Clans may control map areas. The clan symbol is actually shown on the map!
• Military Clans are limited to 250 members max.
• Military Clan invitations costs 5,000 gold to clan treasury (instead of 500 for a basic clan.)
• Turning a regular clan into a Military Clan costs 2,500,000 gold, plus 4,500 gold per member.
Note too that you can turn military only if no clan member belongs to another military clan. |