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AuthorDARK ELF faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
soz for double post im lv 7 might DE
I'm lvl 7 might DE. What will be the best talents to choose?
if you are a might DE go for max rouges, minos and liz... dont take bandits / poisoners except for taking retal... and get basic offense and battle fury
I'm lvl 10 and might. I have heard about not using liz cav at all. I wanna know which is the best mix of troops and talents for lvl 10 might DE.
if i were u umm exactly same setup as u got now but take off liz cav and put on mino soldire
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3 questoins:
how do i beat a barb
how do i beat an elf
how do i beat a demon
im a lev 7 might DE
im a lev 7 mage DE now
what talents should i have for lev 7 mage DE?
Yo should recruit more minos and less rogues if you are magi.
what talents should i have for lev 7 mage DE?

There are many good talent-sets. If you have quite much defense or slow enemy, erudition+intellect would be good/sorcery+other mana-talent.
If you have quick and fragile enemy, take erudition+elemental call, or perhaps rally.
In GB you can also try dark magic+mass casting skill or even basic destruction magic+dominion tempest.
3 questoins:
how do i beat a barb
how do i beat an elf
how do i beat a demon
im a lev 7 mage DE

plz someone answer

28 2010-06-06 10:35:08
3 questoins:
how do i beat a barb
how do i beat an elf
how do i beat a demon
im a lev 7 might DE

Barb: Try kill his troops with magic, Orcs and Hobs 1st (kill orcs if hobs can't reach your troops). Leave ogres last. Against barbarian don't use empowered spells, since ogres have too much HP. Also, using delay against ogres may be vital because of barbarian's stunning blow.

Elf: Simply kill elven bowmen 1st. Empowered spells work well against elf, so does rally. When you've killed elven bowmen, kill forest keepers with spells and lizards (both ignore defense+stoneskin). Leave druids last, they'll get hacked by minos and spells.

Demon: This is probably the hardest one. Empowered spells are must against this, since their troops hack you down very fast. Try catch or delay succubus somehow, spawns can easily be killed by spells and wolfhounds shouldn't be so dangerous if your troops have retalition left. Most important thing, though, is NOT to hit gated creatures. Kill so much non-gated enemies with your troops as you can, or gated ones will kill you :(

Of course there are many different strategies against those, but yeah, those should work quite well. And don't even try to play as DE-mage with min-AP, dealing 40-70 damage with magic arrow doesn't help much against rally-knights, barbarians, demons, etc.
tyvm ill try that on an elf first
wot about the recruitment for those factoins max rouge,liz,mino?
what does the primary attribute that u put at after u levelled up? what's the use to put it in attacks? Do they up ur troop attacks or just the hero attack?
Is it worth it to get poisoners?
@37: each point in hero's atk / def will increase the troops atk / def by 1 point. for might DE, just put all points to atk, but for magic ones, u can put it in SP / KN.

@38: in my opinion, poisoners are rarely used by DE. sometimes poisoners are used for taking retaliation only, but I rarely see it on high lvl. so its very optional I must say.
what talent should i get for lvl 5 de mage
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