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AuthorLosing Ambush
If i lose an ambush i have to wait an hour before i can ambush again, so in that time can i be ambushed by another player because in the rules i think it says i cant be ambushed by a player 1 hr after losing an ambush, does that apply to caravans that i ambush aswell or only losing pvp caravans where i am the victim?
it is simple do not get complicated
if u lose ambush u can not abmush again except by waiting 1 hour thats doesnot mean that u can not be ambushed
if a thief attack u can not be attcked except after 3 hour that does not mean u can not ambush if u lose against athief
You can't ambush within 1 hour after you lost an ambush that you started. However you can still be ambusched (by players that didn't lost an ambush that they started).
if a thief attack u can not be attcked except after 3 hour

even if you win?

so bieng the victim has nothing to do with bieng the attacker, timer wise anyway
If you set an ambush and lose:
- you can't set a new ambush for one hour. No effect over being ambushed.

If you get caught in another thief's ambush and lose:
- you can't be ambushed again for three hours. No effect over setting ambushes if you are a thief yourself.

Simple really.
Ok thanks for clearing that up
closed by nahdont (2010-06-03 14:41:38)
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