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AuthorMilitary clans, what are they after all ???
first of all I'm sorry if this is a repost but I searched for half an hour and didn't find any similar topic (and it's weird). Now, what I'd like to know is, what is a Military clan. More acurately, what do I gain by making a clan a military one ? Needing to pay so much gold for a military clan and there is not a single topic that can explain what they, what's their difference and what's the purpose of one military clan.

Thanks in advance !
Topic moved from "Clans" to "Queries and help".
Why did you join a Military Clan if you don't know about its role? You payed at least 5000 gold pieces without even asking why you payed for? Anyway, here is your answer:

As long as the War(s) is (are) not coming, there is no difference but the icon shining next to your nickname. When (if) the War(s) is (are) coming, the Military Clan(s) will fight for getting influence over the different zones of the Empire. How they will get that influence and what it means, ask your clan mates. I am sure they know more than anyone would speak on the forum. So, on short, the MC's roles will come when (if) the War(s) will come.
Currently the only thing that is different is the little icon next to your name and the fact that you can't ambush a clan member.
Be patient there is a big Dwarf War coming and the clans compete in this... this gives the power to clans as well as heroes
OK guys thatnks for all your answers.

mate CGSMCMLXXV you know i joined a military clan cause i heard (without any much details) about the military clan wars and one 10% of the reasons was about the clan's icon (yeah noone can igonore that feature, even if it is a kinda childish reason, don't you agree ?) so after i joined and didn't see any kind of competition and clan wars i decided to ask for more details. Thanks for all the answers and thanks Pantheon for official answer giving.
closed by Lady Straws (2010-06-08 18:47:09)
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