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AuthorMistake or what!
hey friends.....i was just looking up the exp table....and i saw that on reaching fsp 1 we get 1 defense but i got 1 attack...if u dont beleive see me profile and see dat i hv 20 mana means i increased my knowledge wen i lvled up and 1 atac ......in fact i hv nt equiped anything.....y is it so..?
It is given not to your hero, but to your troops, you can check it in "Character" => "Recruiting"
You have 1 basic knowledge, 1 knoowledge from level up and 1 attack from hunter's guild level 1. The racial skill bonuses aren't shown in your profile. You can only see tthem at the recruiting page.
when you reach FL 1 your troops get =1 defense only in battle its not displayed other wise... the +1 attack you got is from reaching level 1 in hunters guild
the +1 attack you got is from reaching level 1 in hunters guild
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