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Oh come on people, it's just about a mark in you're profile xP
I decided to play as a Magic-DE and when i did it, i knew perfectly it'd be nearly impossible for me to break records. Just enjoy the game.
And new players have always harder to break old records, because they need to get MORE killed enemies than recordholders had before. You can always do Survival Tournaments and other tournaments (you even get prize 8D). |
Hi. Kindly don't say that all those who are complaining are average players. 98% of my hunts and MG qests were done with min AP(Axe+DS+LA + MofB) and some of those hunts are red. Also it is not just abilities. They no longer chase after only rogues. Earlier, I used to keep rogue in one corner and lizzy in another against slow speed units.Lizzy and mino would hit them,rogues would hit and return. The creature would leave lizzys and mino and move to get closer to rogues. But now they are satisfied with lizzys.
but then people would have those hunt medals guaranteed forever, new players would probably complain about that as they never had chance
Yes they would have those medals guaranteed.New players can compete to get medal in the new one.So they also will get a fair chance. And the most recent hunter record sheet will be shown as defalt . |
I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but sounds to me like u just don't want to come up with new tactics for hunts >,>
To be honest, with the rare exception of creatures like royal griffins and bowmen, i find hunts now little harder than when i first started (except for the record ones, ofc :) |
I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but sounds to me like u just don't want to come up with new tactics for hunts
True!But it is partially incorrect. I am not planning to beat any record for now as I am going after TGI. So I am only coming up with ideas to beat hunts with good amount of gold in min AP . And if I feel it is tough, I pass-by it. But for some reason the same hunt is coming and I pass it and it again returns after some hours... |
so far as i know, the frequency of a hunt showing up has nothing at all to do with the records XD |
ot: well u can see from group battle page that at the same time often we get the same creatures to fight. i just guess some creatures come more often then the others..
vishnus do i understand u correctly that u wanna get hunt records with min ap and thatswhy u want older ones to disappear? :D
imo thats the point for hunt records.. to use gh sets, enchanted weapons, the best u can. whatever it takes to get the record. sometimes one has to play the same amount creatures with the same sets available multiple times to just get luck in right places or correct the mistakes. u can look from hunt records, especially on lower levels some have tried 3-4 times to get it done. records are there to look up to, not something u should get easily done with no effort and min ap. |
Kindly read 24. I said I don't chase after records now .I didn't want older record to disappear.I wanted a new record sheet so that others can have a fair chance in making records. |
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more people - more attempts, more attempts - better results. AI has its own lags and you just need to figure them out
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