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Is it good being a def barb in lvl 11?
...I've honestly not seen a single defensive barb in my 3 months of playing.
So I'm assuming not, since a Barb is meant to go all-out offense early.

At least thats my theory. :)
barbarians simply have too low hp and too high atk/def on their creature to make this useable, so, no
basically defensive arts are cheaper so go for max attack from stats early game take the weapon and singet rings of might as offensive or attack arts take the rest def....

the necklace can be theif amulet you can also equip sometihng for range or bonus range damage.
Thnx for the answers ^^

What faction can beat a barb most of the time?
i think DE can beat barb most of time(at lev 8)
knight too

because knight also physical based faction

and knight have higher defense than barb..although attack not so high as barb..but this enough to give a hard time to barb

barb beats
knight(until they get imperial griffins, though tend to be beatable still)
elf(until they get anchorites)
necros (until they get apparitions, especially vampire counts),
DE kill able (until they get Lizard upgrade)
Demon (Until they get cerberies)

so in the end wiz is the only beatable faction :)
At level 10 I am beating elves most of the times. The anchorites are good, but unless you are very unlucky, your orc chiefs go before their missile troops and give you a big boost.

Knights are really tough as they have so many Xbows. You want to charge in, but whoever charges gets cut down by the Xbows. A well timed air mail drop of ogres next to the Xbows can swing a battle.

Necros? even with apparitions, you can beat them. Wolves with triple strike are born to kill apparitions.

DES are hard to beat. Shrews cut you up and the the lizard cav ruin your day.
is my set up good for my lvl??? and talents too???
At level 10 I am beating elves most of the times. The anchorites are good, but unless you are very unlucky, your orc chiefs go before their missile troops and give you a big boost.

Anchorites is DU for lv 11 normaly for lv 12, you are not facing them yet....

knights are easy, if you just hero the monks down shoot the cross and then cav then it is easy, wolf will chump down guard when possible, griff dies meanwhile

lizard cav has jsut the same speed as wolf, use that, so THYE have to get in range, all depends on morale/luck on shrews

and necros, tripple hit no good against appas since if the necro jsut have some sence, then they shoot it down so it wont dmg enough.
dabest https://www.lordswm.com/photo_pl_albums.php?id=232720 you can find the album called Barbarian guide lv 1-10 just a little correction in your talents, recruitment is fine
y thrusting might??? wats so good about it???? and y not expert offense like i got????
and y not expert offense like i got????

It doesn't affect to your orc's range- attacks, while luck does.
luck and morale make barb very powerful but very unstable race. if both are on your side, you can kill anything :)
if both are not, you are doomed :)
y thrusting might??? wats so good about it???? and y not expert offense like i got????

in hunts and merc offense is better, but in GB the hero dmg is better, since ranged fight forces the loser forward
what is the best recruiting for lvl 9 barb
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