Author | at lv 11 -> what is the best equipment for full offensive |
I mean is it the thief set then you have no def but a lot of init and a few attack
or a "more usual" set of arts that will give less init but more attack & def
thx for your help :) |
Depends on your faction and your tactics |
I would go with shop arts. Thief arts are expensive :P |
I m a DE -> tactic is rush so I need init & attack indeed |
bah... just grab all those most expensive arts will do, dont you think so? |
indeed I m not sure
for example: left hand -> +5 def or thief crossbow -> attack & init
same for rings: +3 att/+2init or thief with +5% init -> so the total thief set you have in addition the bonus...
it is so that simple in my view...
that s why I m asking if someone has try both type equipment... |