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Author.ru event over. Townhll meeting answers coming soon.
why do all these players do nothing but cry??
You suggest something another? Take off pants and run? No thx , i'd better cry...

we should just enjoy the game as it is and be happy for ANY update
Who said that ppls arent happy for ANY update? And also , will be better if them were more. (1)

if u dont, well go play something else.
If you do not like , when others cry - press red cross in the upper right corner and will be NO problems , i beg you.

Please don't post nonsense here..You are new here and know nothing much about this server..this game

We been waiting for 2 years and you?Only 2 month..Please zip your mouth and post nonsense at here
Everybody relax!!

People can have therere own opinon, and if you disagree there is no need to talk down at people.

Also bad way to make new players feel welcome.

Im a glad you like the game, and will continue to play it. Don't mind people they just frustrated and forgets there maners :o)
you play this game for 2 months and 3 days ....

Some players are waiting for over 2 years ......
So please shut up and stop talking about things you do not have any knowledge of

i HAVE played this game before but i abandoned my char because my net facility was not reachable for some time...i meant no offence n i know this, waiting , can be quite frustating but u cant just vent off ur anger of the admins at some other player who has different opinions...
I would like to state a point thats often missed in theese "discussions" ablout who is whining and wether they are whining to much. Guys/Gals - its level-dependent. I've been playing this game for nearly 3 years. In the last slump (or in the dark ages) I did not mind the lack of updates. Sure hunting dragons was fun, sure I was excited about the updates, but quite frakly I was just sick and tired of the people whining when it was over and nothing more happened. I keept playing, enroling and doing Hunts and Mec quest. And eventually when something happened, I tag along and had even more fun that with my regular playing.

But now I see the point of thoose whining back then. I see it because I'm on a tough and boring level 9, and I really could do with some fun activities and some reasurencefrom the admins.

I the past couple of days I've started playing on the russian server. I really hope, that want be necessary. Couse I like it here, but you know ( and I know now) everybody has their limits.
Does anyone knows if the lack of admin activity (both on com and ru servers) imply that they are on holiday?
.com is one big holiday ^^ but its very possible that They have some free time
in russia soon means any time between now and the next millenia
I'm not too fussed about having updates (when/if they come, they come), and even at lvl 14, I still have realistic goals that will better my character. But..

I don't recalled which admin(s) promised us that they will answer some of our questions, but whoever they are, can some kind soul go tell them that 1 of the pre-requisites of being an (good) admin is to have integrity and keeping one's promise.

I mean, HOW hard nd how much time)is it to answer a few queries from people who supports (and some even pay) your game?? ppfff...

If one can't do the very basic of keeping one's words... words failed me.
After biting my tongue for so long, I'd put up my pessimistic view of the 'town hall meeting' thing. I was surprised that they said they'd do it later -- why not just answer them right away at the time the questions were collected? And the words came that they would do when they are free from .ru events. Believe me, my reading of that was and is -- when ru server closes down... In another words, never...
why not just answer them right away at the time the questions were collected?

exactly. Answering those questions do not take more than 10 mins.
Answering those questions do not take more than 10 mins

i think it will take way longer - because the admins have probably to decide what to do with .com.
until now they left the developement and progressing of our server pretty much to arctic (i guess), so now they have to make decisions themselves.

we are an unloved child sqealing and crying. and the admins have to decide about an elementary question: will they just ignore us and let us starve or will they take the responsability for us too and raise us...
Admins answer regularly the questions about .ru server on a site called daily heroeswm - last time they did this was .... today:

and on .ru forum they made an official statement about their future plans (a translations can be found here: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1839034&page=last

So they are not in holidays (to answer #146).

The russians are asking similar questions as we do, but they receive answers every few weeks :(
Guys.. this is the 'beauty' of .com which makes it a better game than .ru :))

In .com, we have a 'bonus game'. It's called "Find the Admins". It is the most update version of "Where is Waldo??". So, enjoy it ;p

One thing I know for sure. Look at this topic's subject. Now I know the definition of the word 'soon'.

soon : more than 2 weeks - 1 century.
Yes 154:
Admins try to make us a better community by making us to hate them :)
not quite...i started to think that this thread started make this topic for making fun on us in this server..
*thread starter
we are an unloved child sqealing and crying. and the admins have to decide about an elementary question: will they just ignore us and let us starve or will they take the responsability for us too and raise us...

I too believe that this is the case. Unfortunately we are not helping either. We should "learn how to cry so that the admins would hear and understand us too" ;)

For now, we are just talking to ourselves...
For now, we are just talking to ourselves...

neglected children do so.

Unfortunately we are not helping either.
neglected/ misstreated children often come to believe that is was there fault that the parents neglected them/ divorced/ beat them uncoscious/ did even more terrible things to their children... but in all cases the parents are the problem, not the children.

i think this analogie also works for our server.

the admins left us/ were never here for us in the first place - not the contrary. don't forget that.
sorry for double post: what i meant is that it is not in our hand to make us heard.

if they wont listen/ don't want to listen then we're absolutely powerles.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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