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Author.ru event over. Townhll meeting answers coming soon.
for Zarebrant:

Still, it is us , the children who want a better server, right ? So we are the ones who need to learn how to cry so that the admin would listen to us ;)

Why us and not the admins themselves ? Because it seems that the admins don't care much about this server...
Why us and not the admins themselves ? Because it seems that the admins don't care much about this server...

We all know that. Admins are careless.
The problem is that they have all the cards. If we stop playing on this server, that's it. They won't miss us, we're not giving such much profit as .ru.
If we just accept what they do, things keep going these ways. If we talk bad about them --> Banned, blocked, whatsoever?
for Penguinmaniac:

We must figure out what they want and try to negotiate with them ;)
We must figure out what they want
well, that's not that difficult: truckoads of money and us shuting up.
well, that's not that difficult: truckoads of money and us shuting up.

This is the "end of the road". But what do they want in the meantime ? How do they plan to get there, to the point where they will get tons of money from us, and no complaints whatsoever ?

Each business involves a strategy, building the steps that will get you were you want. So for what steps are the admins looking/waiting for ?

Are they waiting for us to do something ? Maybe reach a certain amount of payments/month or a certain number of active players ?
Are they waiting for something else ? Maybe find someone willing to take over the management of the .com server, or just waiting to gain experience on the .ru server before focusing on .com ?
Are they waiting for us to do something ? Maybe reach a certain amount of payments/month or a certain number of active players ?
Are they waiting for something else ? Maybe find someone willing to take over the management of the .com server, or just waiting to gain experience on the .ru server before focusing on .com ?

They can't wait anything from us. We can't get more players to this server, they could do it easily with some announcement (it'd give more money for them).
And even they can't be such stupid to think that we'd start to spend our money, so they MAYBE'd give us a better server (they haven't promised anything, and usually even their promises are the empty ones).

Waiting, as always, is the only we can do...
i can only guess.

admins have a projekt, called .ru

i think they want nothing of us. and in exchange they give nothing. arctic was the force behind .com - and never the admins. they simply and plainly and with crushing clarity just don't care.

i don't think they have plans with us at all. we are a byproduct, an unneeded and unloved one. probably they don't even realise how desperate we are. and if they realised it, they still would not care.

i lost hope. i just play the game as it is now, for the fun of it.

and, that's just a feeling, i think this townhall meeting will lead to nothing. they will lie to us! don't ask me why, but i have that strong feeling they will just tell us non-comittal blablabla without meaning or following actions (if they answer at all).
for Penguinmaniac: I totally agree with you. I'm ready to spend money on this game on regular basis, as long as I can see regular game updates.

for Zarebrant: Indeed they have this project called .ru. And as far as I know they do talk with .ru players. So why don't the .ru players who are also playing on .com, ask them questions about the .com server ?

Russian players, please talk about the .com future in your .ru forum. At least we will know that the admins will read our complains...
The thing I find peculiar is that most of the hard work is done. The coding. Translation to English would be pretty cheap. Just run the Russian events on .com with slightly adjusted numbers due to the smaller size and you would imagine you would get much more support.

The constant "Is the server going to die" rumour, which i am sure is untrue, but it shows up often enough to deter new players would go away with just a few events and very minimal contact.
The thing I find peculiar is that dArtagnan keeps logging in every few days, but he's been dumb every since he brought the news in this thread...

::naviron casts 'TALK!' on dArtagnan::

Com'on dArtagnan, why don't you tell us what's going on? Please speak freely, and I guarantee you that nothing bad will happen to you. At most I will just lighten 'till you die, but that's all! I promise! I won't use a fireball on you! (yet)...
hmm im tired of waiting so instead ill just pretend like theres no dwarf war so my hopes arent crushed
the lower the expectations the less painful the let down is
next announcement will end of server:) Trust me:)
next announcement will end of server:) Trust me:)

Almer, maybe they're too lazy to end this server :)
Almer, you've been playing for a while, so you know that there have been many other Armageddon calls and none of them have been true so far :)
True, at this rate we might never get another event and the only players left on the server will be the die hard few....but that doesn't change the fact that this is one the best online games I've ever played.

oh, and soon™
maybe they're too lazy to end this server

Seriously, I think that IS the case.
I really feel we will get a response soon (soon means this decade).

The response will be...

Your questions are outdated, please submit new questions and we will answer them soon.
Just got a ... crushing idea, couldn't admins sell this server to somekind of... computer/game/?-company?
We're like un-used toy which could be sold for child that wants to play with it.
The response will be...

Your questions are outdated, please submit new questions and we will answer them soon.

Wrong, it will be "what questions?" :)

Hehe, but do hope we hear from them soon.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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