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AuthorNew Tiers
I think that instead of adding new tiers on to the top levels, which very few people will be able to reach and enjoy, we should add more tiers in the middle by having option of creating different units at each tier. These other units will be very different from their counterparts, but they should still be balanced.
A player can only choose one of the two options at these tiers, and this will mean that their armies will become more unique, players will be able to customize their army to their own fighting style, and strategy becomes more important.
Below I have given my suggestions on different types of units (note I haven’t give any exact numbers because I would probably get something wrong and make one unit too unbalanced):

Lvl 3- Banshees (Slower more defensive unit, special ability “Scream” that damages all surrounding living units)
Lvl 5- Werewolves (Fast, low defense highly aggressive unit, with Bloodlust)
Lvl 8- Mordicants (Well balanced unit, suitable for attack or defence)

Lvl 3- Pike men (Defensive unit, with abilities "Long attack", lets them attack enemies 2 squares away, and “Stand Ground”, which damages units more the distance they cover before they attack)
Lvl 5- Shield men (Highly defensive unit, with abilities “First Retaliation” and “Shield wall” which reduces damage taken the more units there are in a line)
Lvl 8- War Machines (Large catapult with low defence, few shots, but an exceptionally high attack)

Lvl 3- Gnomes (Very large numbers of individually weak units)
Lvl 5- Centaurs (Fast moving, moderate attack and defence)
Lvl 8- Enchanters (Caster units with no offensive magic, but very strong supporting magic)

Dark Elf:
Lvl 3- Cockatrices (High attack shooters)
Lvl 5- Basilisks (Giant slow moving snake, but with good attack and defence)
Lvl 8- Gorgons (Attacking unit, with ability “Petrify”, which lowers the initiative of all units directly in front of it)

Lvl 3- Crocotta (Scavenger demon, slow moving with poisoning and high defence)
Lvl 5- Eidolons (Moderate speed, all round unit)
Lvl 8- Ifrits (Slow but strong unit, with special ability of a stronger version of Inflame)

Lvl 3- Enchanted bows (High numbers, quite weak shooters)
Lvl 5- Spirit wolfs (Fast, quite aggressive unit)
Lvl 8- Librarian (Defensive unit, weak shooter and Holy magic caster, with Intellectual Vigour ability)

Lvl 3- Uruk-hai (Low defence, but high initiative and attack)
Lvl 5- Wyverns (Flying unit with high speed, and moderate attack and defence)
Lvl 8- Berserkers (Extremely low defence, but high hit points and attack. Has special ability “Ignore pain” which cuts down damage received for a number of turns)

I realise that it will be hard to make sure that the factions are still balanced when they are so different, but I still think that the new level of strategy it will bring to the game will be worth it.
What about stats? HP , atck , defense? I see only special abilites of the units >.>
Like i said, i delibrately never put on exact numbers because I would probably get something wrong and make the units unbalanced.

The idea was more about optional tiers than the actual units...
There are already alt upgrades for many units.

Good idea tho! :D
why create tiers in the middles :)? the alts will be upgrades of upgraded buildings, you possibly can't get enough money if you have to build both at once. i won't even hint the obvious, why they need this.
besides all the alts are borrowed from HoMM 5, so it is quite senseless, in the first place (sigh).
Topic moved from "Ideas and suggestions" to "Creative works".
I personally think that its a good idea and you get enough money to buy both of the units. I think that its more fun to have a lot of units from a fairly low level, but thats just me.
Nice +1

For Hellfalcon

You have to work harder for money
Rich players will get better units
Maybe they could just make the upgrade and option between the current upgrade and a new upgrade? Like Skeletal Legionarres rather than SKeletal Bowmen.
may be it can be 2 upgrade. and upgrade buildings cost may be lowered
Lvl 8- War Machines (Large catapult with low defence, few shots, but an exceptionally high attack)

War Machines are a system that will hopefully one day be implemented here. The are special things that any faction can get, they include a ballista and healing tent, and a catapault for siege fights, which also haven't been implemented yet.

Lvl 5- Centaurs (Fast moving, moderate attack and defence)

Centaurs will hopefully, one day, be part of the "steppe barbarians" faction, so they wouldn't implement them into elves.

Lvl 8- Ifrits (Slow but strong unit, with special ability of a stronger version of Inflame)

I assume you meant "efreeti":


These are currently neutral creatures from the demon war, but I suppose they could be implemented into the demon faction.

Lvl 3- Uruk-hai (Low defence, but high initiative and attack)

I <3 Lord of the Rings :D


I love your idea, and would love to see this, and even more options be implemented, but alas, I doubt it will ever happen :(
i think these creatures are for tier 8
I'd think the Efreeti would be better as a Tier 6 alt for the Wizards. Look at that Egyptian name and appearance. Plus they're a good complement to the Wizard's tactics: defensive and long range, with some type of magic immunity.
i think they can't give shooter in level 3 for DE
because they have shrew :)
awesome but barb. and wiz looks weak(
nice necro here
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