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asephonie : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4354090 : Blooming Glade
Dariyana : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4360466 : Seraph's Tears
Decime : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4514097 : Yellow Lake
Saltena : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4460673 : Silent Hill
Votory : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4564248 : Great Capital
Descordia : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4735762 : Misty Coast
Calista : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4735816 : East Bay

So one at each map cell (except Ridge Of Hope where there is nothing interresting to sell with a profit)
descordia Character went offline at 05:07, 08-20-10
votory Character went offline at 05:07, 08-20-10
decime Character went offline at 05:07, 08-20-10
calista Character went offline at 05:07, 08-20-10
asephonie Character went offline at 05:07, 08-20-10
Saltena Character went offline at 05:07, 08-20-10
dariyana Character went offline at 05:12, 08-20-10

Several days all of them are offline in one time - only dariyana always last.
This is impossible that this is a family+friends.
#20 very funny:)

First u can start checking cheating by stopping ur scripts litwin:)


yep, ur beaten by script - obviously position of all mutlichars is strategic to sell resources at every location;)

but not all the time must be script. I do enroll hunt in YL - just get ur code, type it somewhere and copy it - CTRL+C, than wait for one who will buy resourecs to factory - CTRL+V and ur much faster than the one who buy thing in factory to have place to enroll:)
#24 - we are not talking about people that enroll, we are talking about "dariyana and his family" that selling resources within 0.something seconds after you buy an item to enroll.
#25 was referring original question and answered.
#25 was referring original question and answered.

Hmm... I thought he was also talking about the script.

But surprisingly, immediately(<0.2 second) after the enroll, someone sold before I do. Is it normal human competition? or am I fighting a script?
He must be working at a datacenter. You can't log on to 8 different accounts from one computer, can you?
#28 u can:)
Look at this video: lordswm.org/INNE/2010-08-21/dariyana_cheater.avi
(file size is 2 MB, that it joined 2 videos)

I open 2 browsers.
dariyana is placed at YL.
In top browser, i refresh it every 5 seconds (but i also demand refresh by F5)
In lower browser, i buying Steel in Steel Factory.

Look at:
1. Top: Amount of ORE in daryiana profile
2. Bottom: Amount of ORE in factory.

Anyone have any more doubt?
I will do sam thing in Misty Coast in next few minutes
Sorry, my mistake. Correct link is:

Great job Litwin!
Great job LITWIN!

To those who only have suspicions that economic scripts are in use, lose them! They are being used here, and they were being used on the Russian Server until the admins caught and booted most of the cheaters.

I too have been trying to take snapshots of players and there are a couple I am suspicious of in East Bay. There is also a Military clan I am suspicious of.

The secret is Nickel and the Rings of Inspiration (at East Bay at least).

Just after a ring of inspiration is purchased, nickel is usually the first item sold by the script user. Within 2 minutes that player is buying more Nickel at the refinery at East Bay.

Whoever is doing the scripts in East Bay is smart enough to buy enough Nickel to match what they sold a minute or two ago.

If you are suspicious of someone using economic scripts, take snapshots of their profiles immediately before and after you buy an item at a factory. Don't waste too much time, lest they cover their tracks.

Logs would be perfect. You could see when someone is selling 24/7 resources after 0.1 seconds each time new money is avaible and new resources are needed.
Maybe there are 100 humans looking at that factory.

Well, with server having 300-900 online players, half of them probably additionals, its not very probable.

Anyway, this is not a thread in which we can help you. There is no answer that can be given. And it changed itself to "hey, you cheat more.." kind of thread. Lock.

Post your reports at C&A. :-(
closed by Omega22 (2010-08-22 14:42:50)
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