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AuthorMagic and resistance etc.
Does barbs resistance to magic also include e.g. against Darkness magic such as poisin, confusion and so on?

Also any special reason why ppl use less magic on higher lvls?
might is stronger in higher levels...

barb resist ALL kind of magic that will damage them
barb resist ALL kind of magic that will damage and debuff them

hence, barbs resistance to magic also include e.g. against Darkness magic such as poisin, confusion and so on
Okay. I would guess that % in initiative and dam are however usefull in higher lvls even vs. might.
@2. Magic is critical at higher levels, just that attack magic is used less. Any elf not using summon phantasm (or whatever it is) is hindering his chances greatly. How many times do knights bless their Xbows? Stoneskin, Chastise and Disruption Ray get used a bit too. Rapid and Delay are all used also.
#2 Magic damage ignores defense. Think about it.
i dont think barb can resist nature magic,can they?
read again if you miss previous posts

barb resist ALL kind of magic that will damage and debuff them
You probably mean magic punch. Although it is a spell it deals physical damage so magic resistance doesn't reduce the damage taken.
Okay - i just dont see talents and equipment on e.g. elves or dark elfs for that sake when looking at higher lvls
Also does faction points in other factions give 3 % against their spells also?

E.g. you have lvl 2 in dark elf = 6 % reduced dam. but only physical dam?
Also does faction points in other factions give 3 % against their spells also?

Faction resist works against all attacks: magical and physical from both the hero and creatures.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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